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The two blue/swamp ones were for the season 2 return - which obviously ended up being more Diana focused. and then the two at the end were scrapped entirely. Nyra hasn't been on a banner yet but I got a feeling she'll be on the banner for the beginning of season 3 ;) 

Hoping to launch in spring! Ideally around the same time as s2 started last year. Fingers crossed! 

Thank you all so much for your support on an incredible season!




These are really cool concepts! So creators typically finish a whole season before it's aired or are they just given a buffer time to be able to meet weekly deadlines? Webcomic making seems like a lot of time crunching, I'm genuinely impressed


Just enough buffer! Season 2 I started out the season with 7 or 8 buffer episodes and by the end I got down to like... 2 or 3 hahaha For new series they tend to wait longer - like for Lovebot we had to have 20 episodes finished before we launched it. But the season itself will end up being about 50 episodes :)

