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1. Merch concepts!

2. Art Bend - basically trying to make a picture without any of my usual style traits!

3/4 - the art bend pictures individually! 

5. mid-season banner! Season 2 is set to end around episode 83-ish

6. severin family tree!

7: camille with a ponytail vuv 

8. fun little stress doodle 

9. Lovebot doodle!



Krystal Hand

So Camille's and Avaline's grandmother is still alive? Why isn't she still the head of the family? Is she going to make an appearance in the comic at some point?


oh whoops, no she's dead i just forgot to put the X there because i was typing all the info LMAO i originally typed it out to explain the relationship between Camille and Silvia because that confuses a lot of people

Natalia Souza

This family tree was really helpfull. I thought Silvia was Camile's aunt.