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Hey dear patrons <3

Here's the first post of the new progress posting system! I'll do them in packages like this, hope that's okay for you! The products and shops are linked in the text!

So first off for this cosplay, I bought a second hand dress (shop: Vinted) that I was super happy with. I resew the bottom so that it had the right shape and painted on some texture with acrylics:

HOWEVER: The dress got permanently stained when I washed them with some mixed fabrics and I couldn't use it anymore. Sh*t happens :)  I bought a new base dress that hasn't arrived yet (also Vinted), and I'll share how that goes in progress part 2.

Second, I started with the armor, specifically the belt and the neck. For that, I used 5mm high density EVA foam from Cosplayshop. I patterned it by wrapping myself in cling foil and then duct tape, sketching on the shape and then cutting it into pieces :) I wanted it perfect for my measurements so it wasn't super symmetric.

Then, I bought some things from a local hobbystore called Mangott. I bought magnets that I'll use for closure of the armor, some fabric pieces, green foil paper and a jewellry glass dome thingy. The foil and glass was used for making the green gemstone!

Same procedure of patterning with the neck part. The sides I did improvise with because on the artwork you can't see the sides or back of the armor :)

Then it was dremel and priming time. I use Plasti Dip for that, although this particular one isn't my favorite (the spraycan system does stain, so wear gloves!)

Next, I engraved the belt front texture using a cheap woodburning tool from Amazon. Also prepared the wreath mostly freestyling, but I'll get to that later.

This is a try on of belt and neck armor with the old dress! I was happy with the overall shapes, but had to redo the closures a couple times because the neck was too tight and the belt was too loose xD For the closure, I just glued the magnets into cut outs of the foam. The glue that I use is a contact glue from my hardware store. Cosplayshop also has one here.

After that it was my favorite thing: wig styling! (not actually my favorite thing). The base is this one from Wigisfashion. I cut it roughly to the goal length, then cleaned it up and lastly crimped the entire thing with a crimping iron.

Then it was painting time! I tried both versions of painting like I normally paint armor (drybrush silver acrylics onto black base), but then decided going with cel shading to stay true to the art style of the game itself! Also, it looked way cooler and very crisp ;) Painting like this though, it took FOREVER. I think I needed four or five entire days just to paint neck and belt armor. The green tassels on the belt are from Amazon as well. The pieces of the belt dangles are held together with a necklace chain and wire that's stuck into the foam with superglue. At the end I sealed everything with my airbrush varnish from Vallejo.

Next, I continued on the wreath! The base consists of a random wire (stuck into the half moon, also made from the same EVA foam), and worbla! The leaves are cut from 2mm EVA foam and glued together and around the base, again using contact glue. Then I painted this one as well using good quality and high coverage acrylics. The outlines are drawn on with edding. Also had to redo this one because I made it too tight at first. Try on was a success!

Then, I did her thigh accessory by glueing the fabric pieces and scraps that I bought earlier onto 2mm foam.

Melinoe has a ghostly right arm, right? I tried making that by using armsocks from Welovecolors in mint green. I painted on the skeletton shapes with white fabric paint, then shaded it with the airbrush. Lastly, I cut the upper part because the glove was too long and sew the edge.

And that's everything I have so far! Next up is the rest of the armor! <3



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