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Hi friends and cosplay family <3 

Here's my first two edits from the recent Beau shoot :) I chose two different locations, the first one being on a field not close from where I live together with my dad as my photographer. And the second was a self shoot just at my good old favorite wall where I take most of my photos, especially for costests ;) I had to be quick for both since it was raining that day. The second photo of these actually was a fun story: I wanted to do some monk shit and do jump - shots. This was a shot that came a hint too late, so I had almost landed again, but the clothes were in a really nie motion that I went ahead and experimented a little with it in photoshop xD 

Anyways, as always I hope you like these first photos and that you're excited for the full set, because my favorite shots are still to be edited ;) I'll try to get to that asap.

Sending all the love




Tim Lundqvist

You're pop-popping off with these photoshoots. The costume is Beau-tiful, and the composition is excellent. Whatever you're doing with the cam-or-dah editing is just giving me total Stillness of Mind.

Erik Hjorth

It should almost be illegal to be this awesome. But I'm happy it is not. 😄