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Finally done after so many hours of editing <3 I hope you like these :3 I personally really love the soft and cold color palette! The mountains in the background are not edited in they were exactly like that :D (my fingers have never been so cold before)

Unfortunately some of the photos are a little blurry, because it was getting darker every minute. But I included them anyways <3

Sending much love to you :)

Photography by Vicky Pandora <3 



Tim Lundqvist

By Sarenrae's light, those shots are amazing. I don't know how much you adjusted the colors and the focus blur or how much of it is the natural lighting and fantastic camera work. But it all just fits. To even have the light of dawn breaking through the clouds to greet the cleric of the Dawnflower. A very poetic choice of costest for that specific scene. Though the mountains usually wouldn't be associated with our favorite monstah of a gnome, it lends a certain proportion and gravitas to the character and the influence and friendship she has to those around her. Though the horizon may be filled with rocky peaks, you can always feel safe and calm when Pike is there.


They (being the photos) look so wonderful! I love that you captured Pike's sweet nature. The mountains in the background gives a sense that she is exploring the world with her friends. I love these photos 😍


Aw gosh, thank you so much, truly! I'm happy you like them, for real, especially since I was so unsure about them myself ❤️ It does indeed add an adventurous flair and I love that idea of them all exploring exciting places together 😍


Oh gosh, I'm glad you like them, thank you! It was mostly the camera itself which did the magic, I didn't even have to edit these a lot. Just to make them a little more soft and bright 😲👌 The camera did struggle with the focus a little bit, but I'm happy that there are still some not-so-blurry ones 😉 These are some beautiful words ✨❤️ I was indeed mainly going for the color scheme here, to set Pike into a bright and beautiful landscape, with the light of the dawn giving it a little bit of a magical and also soft atmosphere 😊