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Here are some tips for scheduling content on social media effectively:

1. Create a Content Calendar:
Plan your content in advance by creating a content calendar. This allows you to organize your posts, ensure variety and align them with important dates or events.

2. Batch Content Creation:
Dedicate specific time blocks to create multiple pieces of content at once. This can include photoshoots, video recordings, or writing captions. Batching saves time and ensures a consistent flow of content. E.g. if I do a makeup test and already have the photoshoot setting up, I usually do multiple makeup tests or characters in a day and then take multiple days just editing. That's a lot of workload but at the end I also have a lot of content to work with. Of course this gets harder when you have a regular job and content creation isn't your full-time work.

3. Use Scheduling Tools:
Utilize social media scheduling tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, or Later to schedule your posts in advance. These tools allow you to plan and schedule posts across multiple platforms, saving time and ensuring consistency.
I personally use my phone calendar, in app scheduling functions on Instagram (I think this one is only available for business or creator profiles) and the Cosgear cosplay planner app to track these things.

4. Diversify Content Types:
Mix up your content types to keep your feed interesting and engaging. Some people prefer a uniform and consistent layout and not have too much variety and that's fine too. But having different content to post makes it easier to have enough to post regularly! E.g. I have started to not only show finished and edited photos, but also Work in progress shots or mirror selfies.

5. User-Generated Content:
Encourage your followers to create and share content related to what you do. If you run out of ideas or inspiration, include your followers and ask them what they'd love to see from you.

6. Monitor Engagement:
Keep an eye on your audience's engagement with your posts and adjust your content strategy accordingly. This can include what time of day you post as much as what kind of content you offer. Test different posting times and days to determine when your audience is most active and engaged. Use insights from social media analytics to optimize your posting schedule.
Focus on posting more of the content types that perform well and less of what doesn't resonate with your audience. That's painful sometimes when passion projects don't perform well, but we gotta keep in mind what's doing good and what isn't when we want to grow as a platform.

7. Set Reminders:
Use reminders or alarms to prompt you to post at scheduled times, especially if you're manually posting content. This helps ensure consistency even on busy days or when you're away. This is especially essential for people with adhd such as myself :)

8. Stay Flexible: 
While scheduling content in advance is beneficial, it's also essential to stay flexible and responsive to real-time events, trends, and conversations happening on social media. Don't be afraid to break the rhythm once in a while if something spontaneous comes up!

I personally prepare my posts with the scheduling function on Instagram or set myself a reminder on my calendar and smartwatch, so I don't forget to post manually. I start by selecting the photos, usually some that haven't been posted the day before. Then I write a caption and paste/add hashtags. Sometimes it helps to after-edit photos quickly in Insta as well, I was told the algorithm likes that (no idea if that's true). Set a scheduling time and you're set!



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