September Roadmap (Patreon)
Oooh, a roadmap! How official!
As you all may or may not have noticed, my output wasn't horrifically ass last month and I'm actually producing things again. As such, I'm fairly confident that it won't be horrifically ass this month either, and I want to start making this Patreon a little more official and easier to use for you all. Right now, it's like... a landfill or something. I want it to not be like a landfill. What's more, I want all of your input on things going forward as well. So I thought that I would be transparent about the things I make for you and what I do with this page.
So, here's a list of things I've been thinking about for a while that I'm going to try to accomplish this month:
1. I want to post three animations this month. I haven't done this before, but it's definitely doable. I'd like to post every 10 days, so on the 10th, the 20th, and the 30th, because that seems fun to me. Though if I get things done earlier, I'll just post then.
2. I want to implement a Google Drive that's easy for you all to access, where I store all the animations and all their variants. As it is right now, you have to scroll through all the WIP Posts and posts where I'm whining about things, which contributes to the landfill-like vibe of this page. No more, I say.
3. I want to re-render all the old animations I've done so their file size isn't heinous. I uh... already asked about this, so I need to find everyone's advice again.
4. I want more suggestions from you all coming in, and I want to have all those suggestions on a publicly-viewable page or something. Maybe... an Excel Spreadsheet...? I want to be catering to you all way, way more than I currently am. This'll be in the Google Drive.
5. I want to implement some kind of voting system. I'd like you all to vote from the prior-mentioned list of suggestions. Again, I want to be catering to you. The will of the people shall decide what content gets made. I think... towards the end of the month I'll post a poll and have y'all vote on an animation for next month. I think... at least one animation a month will be voted on? I'll think about how it will work.
So, I'll be trying to cross these items off the list as the month goes on. Not all at once! In fact, for these first 10 days, I'm just gonna focus on getting an animation out, to make sure I can do it. That's the most important thing, after all. After that I'll start plinking away at it and get all this stuff implemented. I've been really flaky and inconsistent this entire time, and I'm gonna work on changing that. So many of you have stuck around and supported me which is so much more than I deserve, but I'm so grateful to you all. Y'all very much deserve a finer experience here, and way more of a voice.
Since I want to get a list together, something I'd like is if people start giving Halloween suggestions. October is coming up and by god do I want my spooky month. So if you could, start dumping some dynamite Halloween animation ideas on me, and then we'll vote on them towards the end of September. It'll be fun.
Also, if you have suggestions on how I should run this dump just in general and how I could implement some of the ideas above, lemme know. Comment or DM or send a messenger pigeon or whatever. I'd like to do this all correctly, if you know how I should do any of this, or new things, lemme know. If you could, point me in the direction of proper Patreon creators who are doing it correctly, so I can "learn from" them. And by "learn from" I mean "Just steal how they do it."
That's all I got. Thanks for reading, if you read this all. Back to business.