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And here's page 3 of that second part. Justin explains how he ended up a prisoner of these strange monks. But what do they want? Why have they been looking for Dick Foot for so long? 

You may notice a change in the inking - I'm trying to use my pencilled lines rather than re-ink everything. I was hoping to save time... in the end it's just as time-consuming, but I like the result 😅

For next week, we're going back to see what's going on with the Dicksies, then the week after that, a drawing!


Et voici la page 3 de cette seconde partie. Justin explique comment il a fini prisonnier de ces étranges moines. Mais que veulent-ils ? Pourquoi cherchaient-ils le Dick Foot depuis si longtemps ? 

Vous remarquerez peut-être un changement dans l'encrage, j'essaye d'utiliser mon crayonné plutôt que de ré-encrer tout. J'espérais gagner du temps... finalement c'est aussi long, mais j'aime bien le résultat 😅

Pour la semaine prochaine, on retourne voir ce qu'il se passe avec les Dicksies, puis la semaine suivante, un dessin !



Matthew Ruderman

So they were both taken, how interesting!!! Excited to see what happens next time!

Alen Ianni

Oh now what happens next? Great stuff!!! 😊

Tia Solita

I'm so stressed about Yeti! Is he ok? 😭❤️


I somehow got behind on things 😱 It’s taking a lot of turns! I’m wondering where and how they keep dick foot and what they actually want/need him for? 🤔 Maybe for worshipping? 🍆