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Our dear Yeti has found the little vial of potion used by the Great Precious to turn the monks into Yetis... but what can he do with it? In any case, it seems that the Captain and Justin are safe... but... are they really...? ?!

Next week we return to Nathan and ... Ted! And the week after that, a little more Yetis...


Notre cher Yeti a retrouvé la petite fiole de potion utilisée par le Grand Précieux pour transformer les moines en Yetis... mais que pourrait-il en faire ? En tout cas, il semble que le Capitaine et Justin soient sauvés ... mais... le sont-ils vraiment ... ?!

La semaine prochaine nous retrouverons Nathan et ... Ted ! Et la semaine suivante encore un peut de Yetis...



Derek 70

So hot 🥵


Oh, it looks like Captain can’t hide his enthusiasm being so naked 😁 maybe he wants to enjoy some time with his friend…