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Storyline: You are bound to a witch to be her familiar. As a succubus this should be infuriating, a mortal shouldn't have been able to trap you. The other part of you, the louder part, enjoys it. She makes for nice company and never asks anything of you that she doesn't think you can handle. Which is why it isn't a surprise when she summons you today for help with her potions...

Included: demon listener x witch narrator, familiar x mistress, begging (narrator), power imbalance, consent asked/gotten, bit of slut shaming for being an incubus, praise, compliments, listener orgasm, improper use of magic, and implied aftercare/promising to make you stay

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: Pet, boy, and good boy

Body Parts Mentioned: legs

Pronouns Used: You/your

...I really thought incubus has two "C's" because succubus does xX Lofn




I really appreciate that you made an incubus as well as succubus, most people I talk to don’t even know what an incubus is.