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Storyline: First snow day of the year! No work, stores are closed, and there is nothing better to do then snuggle up next to your Mommy and watch movies all day. And if you decide to get a little distracted by the bulge in her gray sweatpants, well, who is going to know?

Included: snow day, mommy kink, pegging, could be cg/l, compliments, booping, kissing, cuddling, under the covers, l-bombs, strap-on, riding, praise, compliments, listener orgasm, handstuff, and implied doing it again

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: baby

Body Parts Mentioned: nose, face, mouth, lips, eyes, and hips

Poll Winner and $10 tier tomorrow, going to write them tonight so I'm prepared for tomorrow and not overwhelmed. Trying to plan ahead and be proactive. I'm doing better than normal though! Only got sick once.  This started as a comfort only and this week I am ovulating as well, so it didn't stay SFW. It can totally be listened to that way just stop around the 15 minute mark. Anything past that is suggestive and turns into pegging. I'm sorry. xX Lofn



Apple Rancher


