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Script // Source (I think?)

Storyline: You're Eve. As far as you know, you are the first woman created. You were created to be a partner for Adam and that's it. That's your life. You know it's wrong to want for me but you do. One day, by the tree you aren't supposed to be near but are anyways, you spot a woman. If you could call her that, she looks more snake then woman. Slithering towards you, she bears a toothy grin like she has been waiting for this moment...

Included: bible mythos, monster girl, lamia, in public (outdoors), blasphemy, religious themes, convincing you take a bite, corruption, kissing, compliments, tail straddle, tail play, tail job, grinding, humping, nipple play, exploring each other, mutual orgasms, and praise at the end as a treat

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: sweetheart. pretty/lovely/my/sweet/etc girl, and darling,

Body Parts Mentioned: tongue, face, eyes, hand(s), soul, hips, clit, mouth, breast, nipple, and thighs

Misc: Eve is the listener and Lilith is the speaker

Starting off "gendered" week? I guess? I don't know what to call it yet. Maybe specified day? Leave suggestions if you got them because it's clear I need them lol. Anyways, starting it off with an idea I've had for a while. You've heard of Adam and Eve and maybe even Adam and Lucifer but get ready for Eve and Lilith! (God isn't mentioned in this just a lot of Adam blaming because I feel like she would be really bitter towards him) Playing with one of my personal favorite kinks, corruption, and combining it with making her a lamia I thought it would be fun to "slowly" corrupt the listener/Eve. Can you tell I was raised catholic? xX Lofn




As someone who has looked into the myth of Lilith this is a perfect fantasy, can't wait to hear all the nasty things you say about Adam hehe


I feel myself going primal for this audio 😂


raised Catholic and now VERY different gang represent