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Storyline: Working for your boss has been a dream come true. Once hailed as the greatest mind of our generation, you cracked under the pressure. You just wanted to build and invent what you wanted to, not what everyone else wanted for you. That's when your boss walked in. She offered you an offer you couldn't refuse which is how you ended up here. In a really nice building, with a great job, and special treatment from your boss. Today you plan to show her your latest invention...

Included: client narrator x mad scientist listener, aphrodisiacs, syringe, needle play, humiliation, degradation, compliments, rewarded for new invention, treat time, wet noises, moaning, heavy breathing, dirty talk, compliments, slut shaming, mutual orgasms, sex (not specified), and expecting more from you

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: (my) pet and slut

Body Parts Mentioned: body, head, back, and legs

I was so tempted to do tentacles with aphrodisiacs again but I didn't! I wanted to do something out of my comfort zone and I remember reading a while back some Genshin porn comic with a similar theme. It was like 6 panels but I remember thinking this was really hot and I want to do my own spin on it. So like here I am, almost a year later, finally doing it! I resisted the urge to go into the whole puppy play dynamic. It was really hard for me xX Lofn




That made me... Very flustered.