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So this poll is weird because it goes from October to November and I don't know if I should call it "last poll of October" or "first poll of November". Monster girl voting for the month of November also starts tonight as the winner for this month was "Biblically Accurate Angel". Because I'm opting to do a poll day/rest my voice because I woke up with a bad scratch in it and that's not sexy, I'm making up for it tomorrow by spending tonight writing. I hope everyone can understand and don't worry, I'm not sick or anything. It's just because of the weather changing and not drinking enough water. Mix those two with coughing from asthma and you get a dry throat lol.

Onto the question on everyone's mind...I want you to pick your favorite picture out of the four listed below. The picture will serve as inspiration for the piece this week ~

Source A // Source B // Source C // Source D 



Fox woman knows you're lying about escape attempts, and takes you to some friends' lab for a bit of reprogramming?