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Storyline: You decided to take a shot at a new place tonight. Boasting an experience that you'll never forget, you walk through the doors and are ushered upstairs. Behind the curtains in a woman made of iridescent slime lounging on a chaise waiting for you...

Included: monster girl, slime girl, direct and flirty narrator, in public (club), clueless listener, innocent listener, strangers to lovers, one night stand, being picked up, compliments, “soft” vore (like you go inside the slime but you don’t die, just orgasm, and it’s consensual), consent asked, restrained (via slime), acid (dissolves clothes only), goojob (?), humiliation, degradation, narrator decides the the innocence is faked (listener discretion if it is), multiple listener orgasm, overstimulation, and narrator orgasm

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: dear, baby, slime slut, and goo addict

Body Parts Mentioned: eyes, hand, fist, legs, thighs, and skin

Last poll winner of September, figured it was fitting to fit on a slime girl since next month is October. Tomorrow is the poll winner poll as well as monster girl poll. Lewd-o-week is next month as well and I plan to pre-record so I'm not stressing/missing days/not providing content I promised/want to but my brain says no for some reason. I don't do slime girls a lot so lemme know if you like it. I'm so excited for next month and I can't wait to do more of my darker ideas as well more out there monsters because I kind of saved them up for this month. Let's hope next month is better then this month and have a great rest. I can't wait to see you tomorrow for some polls as well as a patron appreciation post! xX Lofn



Scipio Africanus

What a perfectly balanced mixture of gentleness and dominance by a woman that takes you in completely! And why no other comments for this awesome rp folks? Are you afraid they will be seen as slimy?^^