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Improv // AI Art

So this might be a shock to y'all but I am actually terrified of improv and shower-based projects. Something about them scares me. Improv because if I'm not constantly talking in an audio, I feel  like it is dead air. I know you are supposed to let the room breathe but my brain tells me that is bad. Normally I can't shut up, but when that mic turns on, I'm not exactly sure why but all the thoughts I have stop. Shower scenes because of the actually washing part. Shampoo, conditioner, body washing, etc, it's all really daunting to me to edit. So I decided to create this. Two short audios. One with a normal human, one with a kraken-esque monster girl. Pick one, pick them both, enjoy! xX Lofn




Well I think this was a great audio