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First bliss audio here! This is technically a sequel but the only reference to the previous audio is 1) that you two hooked up before and 2) your other party member names

Storyline: You and Bliss have been hooking up the past 4 months on and off. Mostly quickies, nothing serious like that first night. Tonight, Gwendolyn assigns you and Bliss on first watch duty. You can't help the somersault your stomach does when you here this. Finally! The excuse you two have been looking for...

Included: sequel, situationship, monster girl, tiefling, alone together at last, reminiscing, horns, tail, tail play, flirting, femdom, permission/consent is asked/gained, trying to be quiet, in public (woods), mentions of voyeurism/exhibitionism, humiliation, degradation, kissing, mutual orgasms, and everyone stays asleep your secret lives another day

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: Bunny, slut, and whore

Body Parts Mentioned: fingers, mouth and hole

Misc: The two haven’t defined their relationship

I wanted this up yesterday. The weather said haha no let's make it so windy and rainy that you can't record anything. I hope everyone enjoys the return of Bliss! I did the whole "memory" "getting to know each other" convo in the beginning like before you two work out some stress. Poll winner tomorrow since I wanted Bliss to have an entire day where she is the main character. It's what she deserves. I have an idea with Bliss and the listener where you two are the ones supposed to be asleep while in the back of a wagon or something but you two have to actually try to be quiet so lemme know if you want more Bliss! xX Lofn




Yes ❤️ My fav got a sequel!


Oh my god a dnd type audio 😍 please keep these coming