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Script // AI Art (from the day I did the dragon sleepaid)

Storyline: You and your dragon girlfriend have been together for a bit. While out getting some stuff, you decide to surprise her. Unfortunately, she is taking longer then you thought she would and fell asleep waiting for her. Waking up, you feel a familiar sensation between your legs as she smiles at her kitten...

Included: Monster girl, dragon, tail play, tailjob, pre-established consent, somnophilia, grinding (against tail), gentle femdom, praise kink, compliments, listener orgasm, cleaning up after oneself  (licking the tail post orgasm), prequel I guess??, and established dynamic

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: Darling, kitten, and kitty

Body Parts Mentioned: legs, thighs, hips, chin, and eyes



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