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Storyline: A stranger passing by in town, you decide to hop into the local tavern to see what locals are up to. Enjoying your time people watching and eavesdropping on conversations, a minotaur approaches seemingly getting more drinks but it seems you've caught her attention. It's been a while since she met someone so small and breakable...

Included: DnD inspired, monster girl, minotaur, size kink, alcohol drinking (exactly 1 sip), kiss, kabedon, pinned against wall, flirting, chin grabbing,  easily embarrassed listener, fabric ripping, thigh riding, mentions of girlcock, degradation said as praise, compliments, humiliation, in public (alley), spit as lube, earning the dick, fingering, listener orgasm, you get the girlcock now, stomach bulge, praise kink as a treat now, eye contact, listener second orgasm not stated, narrator orgasm, and creampie

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: little mouse, slut, and little one

Body Parts Mentioned: chin, hands, thighs, head, hole, hips, eyes, and leg

The last time I did a minotaur it was for the monster girl series and it was greek myth inspired. This time, it's DnD inspired. I was so tempted to call her "Sunbreaker" but I don't want to just out of fear of CR. Enjoy a not so sad take on a minotaur girl, little mouse. Public version comes out tomorrow but y'all get it tonight❤️ xX Lofn

P.S. For those that may or may not be worried you are crossing a picket fence with my content, I double checked and you are not! I write almost all of my own content, record, and edit it by myself and I'm not apart of SAG or WGA nor does the content I create fall under their jurisdiction (is that the right word?). I was high key worried that I wasn't being supportive of the union by creating still but I am and so are my audios. So I guess what I'm saying is enjoy ~




>-> . . . So how much I gotta pay to make this a series?


I mean you could always run into her again it's not like she isn't adventuring and you're traveling...


Nervous laughter: this is my (Junji Ito) hole