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Source // Script 1 // Script 2 

Storyline: It's one of those nights where you desperately want someone with you. Why not call your girlfriend? 

Horny Version Includes: phone call, GFE, listener bets they can cum quickly, fantasy describing, gentle femdom, listener orgasm, narrator gets turned, and l-bombs

SFW Version Includes: phone call, GFE, comfort, reassurance, affirmations, l-bombs, and compliments

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: Baby, my love, and little one

Body Parts Mentioned: Eyes, legs, and thighs

I like doing this once a month where I take an old script and redo it or re-record something to show growth/improvement. So this was a script I did about a year and a half ago. The original was all ASMR and called "I can't talk any louder". Here is the SFW original and the NSFW original. I am gonna be honest and say I like this version a lot better. I'll be honest, I am most impress with how much my writing has grown in the past year. I guess that is what happens when you write a 4-6 page script almost everyday lol. Let me know if I should keep doing these or if I should just stop and keep making new content cause I like them but idk if others do! 

Have a great Thursday night and I'll see you tomorrow for a large content for some tiers xX Lofn



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