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Improv // The Source is Me

And finally, to wrap up Mini-Monday, I present...this!

Storyline: Your girlfriend decides that she is going to tell you what she has been thinking about lately. Maybe you can make it a reality for her...

Includes: Masturbation, narrator orgasm, and fantasy describing

Fantasy Includes: Primal Play, predator v prey, hunting (sort of), strap-ons, in public (woods), multiple partners, voyeurism/exhibitionism, and multiple orgasms

Thank you guys for allowing me to take the time off while my body was fucked up on bad meds. Genuinely, your messages were so sweet and heartfelt, I'm still reading through them and the comments. But thank you guys. I don't know what I did to deserve such amazing folks, but I'm glad I have you guys. I'm going to be making a patreon appreciation audio soon so be on the look out for that! I was going to work on the $10 tier to post tonight but I feel like I've already posted 6 and I don't want to get annoying so I'll do makeup posts tomorrow ~

Drink a glass of water for me, okay? xX Lofn




Wow, 5 audios!? Can’t wait to listen to some of them later


Omg a ramblefap from lofn!! What a treat 💖💖 you sincerely have the most creative fantasies, thank you for sharing :)