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I am so sorry for the lack of posts this week. I started this new med and have been having a terrible reaction to it. I haven't gotten much sleep, my stomach has been in constant numbing pain for 2/3 days at this point, I don't have an appetite, and like I even cried at one point. I stopped the meds so hopefully I can be back tomorrow! I really don't like not posting for this long and I feel really guilty and bad because you guys deserve more content then this. I'm so fucking sorry and I'll make it up, promise.

So, hopefully, since I didn't take it today, it'll be completely out of my system and I'll be able to record the poll winner, tapes day 2, the $10 tier, plus some more fun little improvs since a lot of y'all liked them and they were super fun to make!

Again, I'm sorry.

xX Lofn



hey don't feel bad about that, i mean its understandable why but, its not something you could control and you being alive and well is wayyyy more important 🥺❤️❤️


We understand! No need to apologize, we can handle a few days without content, your health is way more important!


It’s ok. Take the time you need to heal. We can survive without new content for a few days 👌 it’s no big deal.


I’ve had some similar experiences with new meds (I’m bp II). While we all love the content, the well-being of its creator is more important. I hope you feel better soon 💜


Your metal and physical health is wayyyyyy more important that the content

Pyff Puffles

Please don’t feel bad about taking care of yourself!! As much as we all love the content, health always comes first. I hope you feel better soon!

Fleur Pouvior

We prefer you safe and healthy, and happy. We got your back so do what ya need to. In the meantime, it's fun checking out older posts, and catching up on what I missed!


Please don’t take it out on yourself! You have no way of knowing or controlling the your body reacts to new meds. More important is for you to be okay. 💖💖 I hope you’ll take any time you need to decompress.