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It turns out I really like doing polls on Sunday so we are doing it again. Maybe because it's the actual start of the week maybe it's because it feels like a way to end the week and start it at the same time for me. I'm not sure. Not going to think too much on it though. 

Anywho, pick a mode of travel that leaves you with too much time on your hands so the listener and narrator obviously have to hook up to kill said time...



Lofn the Centaur 🥵

Tuesday M

train! train! train! :D (but centaur sounds fun….)


Can't go wrong with an airship!

Nikkii B.

Creepy thalassobia~♡

Scipio Africanus

I like trains. Thogh the first railline with passenger service - opposite to minor mine rail systems - was the line from Stockton to Darlington only in 1825. So why not ask a nice centaur girl for a ride and do same "gymnastic" while on her back?


I realized I have done a minotaur and satyr but not a centaur when it comes to hoofed ladies!


I'm secretly hoping that one wins, I can put my knowledge to the edwardian era to use for something lol


If you haven't heard of /u/smokey_before_sunset's script "Shy Train Girl Romances You" and the performance of it by /u/eggs-n-bennie, it is guaranteed to make you walk away smiling at the end of the ~10min audio and I highly recommend it 😊

Jamian Clark

Steampunk is my favourite look