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My audio for Mother's day is a bit late because I had to spend it with my family and I can tell already that editing this is going to take a bit longer. So I'll try to get it out tonight (or maybe record a shorter one for tonight) but it'll probably be out tomorrow as well as another audio. But, to make up for it, I figured I do the poll of the week for everyone this week! Now that all that is said and done, what kink do y'all want to experience this week? A choose wisely, Mommy Lofn is watching🖤



I really hope it’s puppy play, I don’t mind to much though since all your audios are amazing

Pyff Puffles

No rush! I hope you had a good day with your family ^^


Yeah puppy play!! But a gentle one pls. There's no way i would be a brat this day ^^