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Know your lines!

Storyline: The newest member of your crew is someone from the other side. While your advisors aren't too keen on her, you want to give her a chance.  Has she really switched sides?

Includes: Fantasy elements, witch narrator, magic mentioned but not used, love confession, war mentions (but idk how war works), kissing, dirty talk, thigh riding, multiple narrator orgasms, listener orgasm breast play/worship, praise/compliments, "let me take care of you, hero" and switch vibes

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: darling

Body Parts Mentioned: eyes and face

Misc: Listener is in a war and next in line for the throne // Borealis Court and Sir Edwin are the bad guys

I am so sorry this came out so late. I ended up getting emotionally overwhelmed because I had to pick up my dog's ashes and my birthday is tomorrow and my mom's is next week and my anxiety wouldn't let me do anything. But I hope you guys enjoyed this one because I had fun being a witch lol




So sorry for your loss and I completely understand anxiety over birthdays. Take care of yourself for us.

Pyff Puffles

Absolutely no need to apologize for taking time for yourself and your needs! Sorry again for your loss 💔 Happy birthday to you and your mother ^^