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Script // Source

Storyline: You are a full time house pet which means you tend to be alone all day. Left to your own devices for entertainment, your favorite part of the day is when your owner come homes! You can't help but greet her with a giant hug even if she is a bit late. There is a good reason though! She has a present. Do you want to guess what it is?

Included: established dynamic, power exchange, fdom x msub, puppy play, pet play, hugging, needy listener, present, lap sitting (listener in narrator), safe words established, vibrator, choking, humiliation, degradation, compliments, listener orgasm, and some kisses

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: Puppy, pup, and good/sweet/my boy 

Body Parts Mentioned: back, legs, clit, hips, and neck

Pronouns Used: You/Your and He/Him

Misc: MENTIONS OF WEIGHT GAINING VIA MUSCLES IT’S ONE OR TWO SENTENCES // Listener is never called a slut but is described as slutty

Puppy play for transmascs? Groundbreaking. Never heard of. Listen, I was in the mood for puppy play. I'm desperate for it. I needed my fix and this is how I got it. I've been alone for 12 hours and I'm ovulating, life is hard xX Lofn

P.S. Seems we are having a boys day today and a girl's day tomorrow



William Boyd

Puppy play is precious and I fully support any endeavor to make more of these no mater the gender ❤️


Okay but puppyplay for transmasc is so good 😭