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Script // Source 

Storyline: Sleeping is meant to be a peaceful time where you aren't aware of the world. That being said, it seems you are sleeping a little too deeply tonight because there is a nighttime visitor slinking it's way into your room...

Included: alien, symbiote, parasite,  sensory deprivation, blindfold, joining you to become one, extra long tongue, bondage, mummification (think that’s the term), licking, speaking in your head, humiliation, compliments, making itself at home in your brain, needy listener, begging listener, tongue fucking, oral (receiving), spit as lube, mutual orgasms, and becoming one with a symbiote

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: (precious) host, and sweetheart

Body Parts Mentioned: cheek (face), head, nose, mouth, neck, shoulders, chest, arms, waist, legs, hips, knees, calves, spine, ankles, feet, toes, and hole

Pronouns Used: You/Your

I hope I did this right, as I’ve said before I’m a DC girl if you wanna talk batman I got you but I could never get into marvel though if we are talking comics my favorite is The Sandman (my partner even got me a signed edition when the show came out and I sobbed). So I hope I did her right. I figured since it isn't really speaking out loud, it's speaking in your head, that it would talk clearly and not with a lisp as it tongue fucks you.  Like genuinely, it tongue fucks you. I figured it was a great time to do my symbiote idea with the extra long tongue being the winner. xX Lofn

P.S. $20 tier will be tomorrow. My brain was not letting me focus today because I was woken up at four am and couldn't fall back to sleep. I'm sorry




thanks for the treat


Oooh love symbiotes, hope to see more like this in the future!