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This month's collection deducts the last of the past creations that I don't think I've done well, so that's exactly what I've deducted from animation 1-50.

I think my work will be qualified and on the right track in 2023, when I have the concept and knowledge to make animations that I can make most of the content I've come up with.

In the past, the price of the compilations was adjusted monthly according to this idea of mine, and as I learned more, I realized that I should not charge for some works that did not reach the level of qualification that I had in mind.

I've been able to make animations for so long, not give up and make so many interesting animations because of your support.

Thanks to you guys, I was able to come home so many nights and still have the motivation to turn on my computer and work on my animations all night long, and I was able to force myself to practice my timeline and learn post-production even when I was tired, depressed, and my hands were hurting, until now, I really appreciate it.

My hands also hurt a lot every day, and the pain reminds me to reflect.

I believe in fate, I think everything is set in stone, I think everything happens for a reason, if I hadn't chosen to make HMVs in the beginning, and instead just made dance animations, the knowledge and skills I have now would have been no different from what it was at the beginning.

If I hadn't made HMV, I certainly wouldn't have met you guys. You guys came to support me when I was first learning how to make animations, and you didn't give up on me even though my animations were terrible, so I'm really thankful for that.

Because of this, I decided to push myself to grow up to repay you.

At that time, I knew very well that I had very little skills, so at first I could only try to make my HMV animation longer every month to repay you.

But even then, I actually felt very ashamed because I felt that I had failed to fulfill my responsibilities.

"I am just a girl with ordinary dreams, I'm not a talented person, but I'm honored to have your support.

I'm ashamed of that of myself.."

Thank you.


"Admiral Plan" is the final adjustment, and there will be no more price adjustments or additions to the collection.

This is not only for my own personal reasons, but I also hope that those who come to support me in the future will be able to get all of my past creations.

Also, I can't keep increasing the price of the compilations like this, it would be a burden to you.

In addition to realizing my goal of becoming a full-time artist, I also want to make sure that all the people who support me, in this unhappy world, have their own happy private time every month.

This was my goal when I first started animating, so I spend a lot of time every month on my creation, to design some interesting, unthinkable and happy content.

However, HMV production is limited by the music, especially for people like me, I always want to play out all the beats of the music, which puts more limitations and pressure on me, and with more limitations, there are more choices to be made.

So I know very well that my animation is not as practical as it could be.

But I still chose to take this path to make unique HMVs, instead of just having sex.

Creating is often a matter of trade-offs, and I have to sacrifice certain things to make my content interesting and unique.

I've tried to rely on my uniqueness to get people to support me, but I seem to have failed.


When I got home on February 23rd, I suddenly went into another slump during the all-nighter.

This time it was different than usual, my concentration was very low, I was looking at the HMV I was editing, and I couldn't come up with any ideas at all.

As you can imagine, I was tired all the time, my concentration was very low, I was tired, I was looking at something and wanted to try to think of something new, but my brain couldn't think of anything, and it was like there was a fog in my head, and a strong feeling of fatigue was occupying the whole of my brain, so I couldn't think of anything.

Or you can imagine that after reading an article, the message doesn't make it into the brain.

I've listened to music many times at night, and I can't think of anything all night long.


On February 26th, this situation made me realize that I am not normal, I can't go on like this, so I went on the internet and found out that I have symptoms of burnout.

Simply put, it's depression. "Now I know this is what depression feels like".


On February 27th, I took a leave of absence from work and went to counseling for the first time in my life, but it didn't help much. The counselor gave me the opinion that my life was completely inhuman and told me to change jobs.

But the point is, even if I don't include my animation work, I already have two jobs, so do I have to change jobs for both of them?

Because I can't stop and rest, even if I don't make animations anymore, I still need to go to work, because I don't have my own house.


Counseling didn't help, so when I got home I looked up some producers on the internet who I knew well and asked them how to deal with the situation, but none of them had ever experienced this problem.

I didn't know what to do, and I started to wonder if I should keep producing.

I had already spent so much time without success, and even if I could do this for another ten years, I didn't think I would achieve my goal.

Thinking about my failure makes me even more unmotivated, but if I give up now, I'm sure I won't be able to come back to the creative community as a normal person.

It took me a long time to force myself to accept and adapt to my current life.

Once I'm out of the comfort zone, I'm sure I won't be able to force myself to adapt to the huge amount of work I'm doing now.


I can't find the answer, but at the moment I don't think I can conceptualize an HMV, so in order to keep myself motivated to produce it, maybe it's time for me to go in a different direction.

If I'm going to learn something new, then it has to be something that is in line with the current trends of the world, I can't stay in the field that I'm good at anymore.

In the past few years, I've actually found that animations with sound effects and vocals are more popular, and even if it's just a few seconds of video, the number of retweets on these posts is amazing.

So I'm currently planning to stop making HMVs for the next month, and will try to make animations with just sex moans and sound effects.

There should be a dance animation as well, after all some people come to support me because they like to watch dance animations, so I can't change too much at once.

This post was typed bit by bit over the past few days, because I couldn't think straight.

In the days since I've been typing this, I've finally found my way.

I apologize for the sudden change in operations, but the blues have come out of nowhere.

I'm having a hard time coming up with an idea, and I've only written a little bit of the storyline for the HMV I was supposed to make for RIO, but I might make it later when I'm in a better mood and in a better state.

I need to slowly adjust my body so that I am no longer depressed and can return to the state of being able to design stories.

To do this, I want to try new things and learn new things.


Finally, since the collection is no longer growing, I'm going to take a break from making HMVs and learn to make another style of animation.

This is the plan for now, and I can't project too far into the future.

Then I will no longer encode 1080p animations, and the $5 level will be removed in the next month.

Supporters of the $5 level, thank you for buying me coffee every month, I hope I haven't disappointed you with my HMV.

From now on, I'm going to operate in the direction of more freedom and flexibility for my supporters, I'll be adding a new channel on Discord that will make it easier for members to get rewards.

I've been thinking about these changes for close to a week now, and I thank you all for your support over the years.

This is the end of this post.


這個月的合集扣除了最後一次過去那些我認為自己做得不好的創作, 這樣剛好扣除了動畫1-50。

我覺得自己的作品在2023年開始才算得上是合格和漸漸穩定, 2023年擁有製作動畫的概念和知識可以製作到多數自己構思到的內容。

過去合集的價錢也是根據我這個想法每月調整的, 當我學得越多, 就會越覺得有些作品沒有到達我心中合格的水準, 我不該收費。


感謝你們令我能在這麼多個晚上回到家還有動力打開電腦在通宵時構思和製作動畫、在疲勞、低潮和手痛都存在的同時還仍然能逼自己練習做timeline和學後期製作, 一直到現在, 真的很感謝你們。

我的手每天也經常痛, 痛楚經常提醒我要反思。

我相信命運, 我覺得所有事都是設定好的, 我覺得所有事都是有原因的, 如果我一開始沒選擇製作HMV這種路線, 而是單純只製作跳舞動畫, 那麼我現在所擁有的知識和技術肯定會和最初沒什麼分別。

如果我沒製作HMV, 也肯定不會遇到你們, 你們在我最初學製作動畫的時候就來支援我, 就算是我的動畫很糟糕仍然沒有放棄我, 對此我真的很感謝。

因為這個原因, 令我決心要逼自己成長來回報你們。

我當時也很清楚自己擁有的技術很少, 所以我最初只能每個月盡量把HMV動畫製作得長一些來回報你們。

但即使是這樣, 我其實也是會覺得很慚愧, 因為我覺得自己未能盡責。

「小女子不才, 但竟能獲得你們的支援, 對此我真的很慚愧..。」



「Admiral Plan」這是最終調整, 往後也不會再調整價錢和增加作品在合集中。

會這麼做除了是我自己的個人因素, 同時也希望之後前來支援我的人能獲取我過去的所有創作。

加上我也不可能一直這樣把合集的價錢往上增加, 這會造成你們的負擔。

我製作動畫除了想實現自己能成為全職創作人的目標, 同時也希望令所有支援我的人, 在這個不開心的世界上, 每一個月希望你們也有屬於自己的快樂私人時光。

這是我在最初開始做動畫時的目標, 所以我每個月也會花很多時間在我的創作上, 去設計一些令人覺得有意思、思想不到和令人開心的內容。

但因為製作HMV會被音樂限制著, 特別是我這一類人, 經常想把整首音樂的所有拍子都演繹出來, 令到限制和壓力更多, 在限制更多的情況下就會有更多的取捨情況出現。

所以我很清楚, 其實我的動畫在實用性方面會有些欠缺。

但我仍然選擇了走這條路去製作出獨特的HMV, 而不是單純只有性行為。

創作就是經常會面臨這些取捨的問題, 我想要製作有趣的和獨特的內容我就必須犧牲某些東西來達成。

我試著靠自己的獨特性來令人支援我, 但我好像還是失敗了。


2月23日回到家, 通宵時突然又進入了低潮期。

這次和往常不一樣, 我的尊注力很低, 看著自己正在編輯的HMV, 完全無法構思。

你可以想像是一直感到很累, 集中力非常低、很累、看著什麼想試著構思新的東西, 但你的腦袋不能構思, 還有好像有一層霧在腦中一樣, 強烈的疲累感佔據了整個腦袋令你什麼也構思不到。

又或者你可以想像一下, 一個人在閱讀文章後, 訊息沒有辦法進入腦中。

我在晚上聽了很多次音樂, 真的整晚也思考不到什麼。


2月26號, 這個狀況令我開始意識到我有點不正常, 我不能再這樣下去了, 所以我上網查了一下, 我發現我有工作倦怠症的症狀。

簡單說就是憂鬱, 我現在知道原來憂鬱的感覺是這樣。


2月27號, 請假, 人生第一次前往做心理輔導, 但沒什麼幫助, 輔導員給我的意見就是, 我的生活完全是非人生活, 叫我轉職。

但重點是就算不包含製作動畫的工作, 現實我本來就有兩份工作, 難道我兩份工作也要轉職嗎?

因為其實我是不能夠停下來休息的, 就算我不再製作動畫, 我也需要上班, 因為我沒有自己的房子。


心理輔導沒有幫助, 所以我回到家有在網上找過一些比較熟稔的製作人來問這種狀況該怎樣處理, 但他們都沒有經歷過這種問題。

我有點不知道該怎麼辦, 我開始在想我是否該製作下去。

我已經花了這麼多時間都沒有成功, 這樣下去就算我能再做十年, 感覺都不會達成我的目標。

一想到自己的失敗又變得更沒動力, 但如果現在放棄, 我肯定我不會再回到這個創作圈。


一旦走出了舒適圈, 我肯定無法再次逼自己適應現在這種工作量巨大的生活。


整個2月尾我都在想這些事, 試著激勵自己但也好像沒什麼用, 感覺這次真的是到了極限。


想找個原因令自己擺脫這種倦怠感, 所以我在X(TWITTER)找了很多我覺得很成功的製作人來參考, 但也找不到答案。

因為製作我這種內容屬於純愛故事的HMV風格的製作人, 根本沒有, 所以我沒有能比較的對象。

我的HMV雖然是很獨特, 但我覺得有可能是因為我現在正在做的東西不入流, 所以就算我多努力也沒用, 特別是我主要使用的角色都很明顯不是現今的趨勢。


我找不到答案, 但目前我覺得自己沒辦法構思HMV, 為了令自己有動力能製作下去, 或者我是時候要換一個方向。

如果要學新的東西, 那麼必須是加入現在世界的趨勢, 我不能再待在自己擅長的領域。

這幾年在宣傳時其實我一直發現有音效和人聲的動畫會比較受歡迎, 就算是只有幾秒的影片, 這些帖子轉推的數量也是非常驚人。

因此我目前預定下一個月會停止製作HMV, 會嗜試製作只有性行為呻吟聲和音效的動畫。

跳舞動畫應該也會有的, 畢竟有些人就是喜歡看跳舞動畫才會來支援我, 我不能一次改變得太多。


這篇文章是在過去幾天一點一點地打的, 因為我沒辦法很順利地思考。


很抱歉臨時突然在營運上有這些變動, 但憂鬱也是突如其來的。

我現在構思很困難, 原本預計會製作的RIO的HMV我目前只寫了少許故事大綱, 可能以後重拾心情和狀態較好的話會再製作。

我需要慢慢地調整自己的身體, 令到我不再憂鬱, 回到能設計故事的狀態。

為此, 我想去做新的嘗試和學新的東西。


最後由於合集也不再增加, 我也要暫停製作HMV, 學製作另一種風格的動畫, 目前是這樣計劃, 我無法預計太長遠的事。

然後我不再編碼1080P的動畫了, $5的級別在下一個月將會刪除。

$5級別的支援者, 很感謝你們每個月也請我喝咖啡, 希望我的HMV沒有令你們失望過。



以上的變動我思考了接近一個星期才能作出決定, 感謝你們長時間以來的支援。




















"アドミラルプラン "が最終調整で、これ以上の価格調整やコレクションの追加はありません。























2月27日、会社を休職し、生まれて初めてカウンセラーに相談に行ったが、あまり効果はなかった。 カウンセラーは、私の人生はまったく人間的でないという意見を言い、転職するように言った。








































Chan-uk Oh

Be confidence. I never once thought your work was worth less than the donation. I'm willing to pay because I love your work. I don't know your life, so anything more than this would be presumptuous. Nevertheless, please do not forget that there are people in this world who support your work. It's not wrong to have a hard time and wander for a while. Do whatever you want. If you make your work with joy, I can enjoy it even more. Cheer up, Joy.