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I basically spent all my time in January working on the video.

The extra sponsorship was really helpful because even if someone stopped subscribing in the middle of the month, I felt relieved to have the extra sponsorship to make up for it, and I'm really grateful to the people who gave me extra sponsorship to encourage me.

I only have a small amount of time to come home each day, but because of your extra sponsorship, I don't have to worry about a lot of things, it gives me peace of mind and allows me to focus on making the video and designing the content, so I was able to design a lot of content for this video and still have enough time to think about how to perform the music.

I am satisfied with the video myself. Because of the sponsorship, I am very relieved to have a video of this length and two endings, which is the result of you all making me feel relieved.

Some people wonder why I have to work two jobs and still can manage to do a 7-8 mins long video.

The answer is that although I say I only have 2 hours of free time when I get home every day, including shower and meal, I actually sacrifice a lot of sleep, I only sleep 3 hours a day on average, and I didn't even sleep for 2 days in order to design the content of this video in February, I am giving my life to fight, because someone has added extra support to me, I really feel their love, I think I must also do my best to satisfy them, this is the only way I can repay them.

I know that it's not possible to keep producing in this way for long, because I feel that I'm really low on physical and mental energy, and I make a lot of mistakes when I work, and I hope that I can produce while I still have energy left, until I feel that I need more time to rest and can only produce the original song for a long time.

Until then, I hope you can feel my sincerity, which is one of my wishes.

Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to creation, thank you to those who have never stopped supporting me, thank you to those who like horny girl Joy, thank you to those who like my videos, and special thanks to those who have given me extra sponsorship, you are the driving force of my creation, without your support my videos would not have appeared.



因为有些人对我提供了很多的赞助, 这些额外的赞助真的非常帮助到我, 因为即使中途有人停止订阅, 我也会因为有这些额外赞助来填补而感到安心, 真的非常感谢对我付出额外赞助来鼓励我的人。

我每一天回到家虽然只有很少时间, 但因为你们的额外赞助, 令我不必烦恼和担心很多事, 令到我很安心, 令我能专心去制作视频和设计内容, 所以这次的视频我能够视频设计了大量的内容, 而且还有足够的时间去思考应该如何去演绎这一首音乐, 

感谢你们, 这视频我自己是满意的。

因为有足够的赞助, 令到我能安心地设计大量内容, 

所以才会有这个长度的视频和两个结局, 这是各位令我感到安心所得出的成果。

有人很好奇为什么我要做两份工作, 但还能做1月那种7-8分钟长度的视频。

答案是, 我虽然说我每天回到家连洗澡和吃饭一起计算只有2小时空闲时间, 但其实我牺牲了很多睡眠时间, 我平均每天只睡3小时, 而我为了设计2月这个视频的内容, 当中有两天甚至没有睡, 

我是付出了生命在拼搏, 因为有人对我增加了额外的支援, 我真的感觉到他们的爱, 我认为我也必须要尽自己的全力去制作令他们满足, 这是唯一一个我能报答他们的方法。





直到我感到要更多的时间去休息, 只能制作原歌曲长度为止。

希望在那之前, 你们能感受到我的诚意, 这是我其中一个愿望。

谢谢各位给我机会令我能创作, 感谢没有停止过支援我的人, 感谢喜欢色色的Joy的人, 感谢喜欢我的视频的人, 特别感谢对我付出额外赞助的人, 你们是我创作的动力, 没有你们的支援就不会出现我的视频。




















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