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On a personal note in December, I spent the month looking at different creators around the world to see their work, their daily habits and what they offer to supporters on their creative platforms.

In addition to the animation creators, I also looked at many different creators, such as drawing, singers or those who make funny videos.

There are a lot of people like me who are working in reality and creating at the same time, and seeing these people makes me feel not alone.

I occasionally see my favorite works, I will read the TWITTER of those creators, some of them will share their daily life, take pictures or videos, share their favorite things, like liking motorcycles, taking pictures of their rooms with pets, receiving machines from sponsors for promotion or other things, maybe because I also like to share my own things, so I like to read other people's sharing.

Some creators have a lot of followers, but not much support.

Others are happy to share their work and don't care if anyone reads it.

Some artists draw one picture a day for free and then attract people to support them in return for adding or subtracting body hair from the free version of the picture.

The most important thing to keep in mind besides other people's work is the amount of support they receive.

Their fees are all different, $3 per month for a picture per day, $7 per month for 3 pictures, $10 per month for a L2D video with voiceover, $5 per month for a VR video, $5 per month for a dance video, and $3 per month for a variable number of short videos.

I looked at a lot of them, and then I realized that there is no way to refer to them, because everyone's creations are different, and the content, style, personal characteristics, and creativity of their works are also priceless.

For example, although I am mainly rhythm + SEX, but in fact I do not have a fixed creative style.

I have no fixed style of creation, such as adding sex in the middle of a dance, having sex after a dance, or a story type.

I've been thinking about this for a long time, and my current plan is as follows:

Next year in 2022 I will add a "2021 Membership Level", which is a purchase of all my work in 2021, as you will see in the update tomorrow, for $38.

(If you've been supporting me through the basic membership level since I started creating, it's actually only going to cost you $15 now, which is $23 cheaper than next year's $38 plan, because I didn't receive any money for the first month, which is a special treat for those of you who have been supporting me since I didn't have too much video at beginning, thanks to all of you.)

First of all, subscribing members can watch it 7 days earlier, after 7 days I will post the 720P 30FPS video with watermark to IWARA.

$5 no change, 1 piece per month.

$10 is the same as $5, but with additional support for me. (Thank you very much to the members at this level, it makes me feel your love.)

The $15 is for all works, but I will reduce the number of $15 subscriptions, those who are still subscribed will not be affected, but if they quit, they will not be able to subscribe again.

The VIP feature is that the number of people is limited, only a small number of people can get the videos that are no longer sold separately through the lower price, you can see all my works at any time, access to the upload space where I have all the videos organized, if there is a revised version of the past works I will also update there.

And if you miss my work in 2022, there will be no way to get it again, or if I'm still working on it in 2023, I may consider releasing a 2022 package for purchase.
↓Which is probably a special treat for my daily supporters.
(If you unsubscribe and miss it, you may not be able to get the video again.)

Next video all animations are ready, in the final editing stage.

It is expected to be sent to you next week.

Thank you all for your support and Happy New Year.❤

The Taihou on the left in the picture is the recently modified model, it will be used in March.


12月个人状况, 这个月到处在看世界各地不同的创作者, 看他们的作品、日常习惯和他们在创作平台上提供给支援者的东西是什么。

除了制作动画的人, 我也留意了很多不同的创作者, 像是绘图、唱歌的或是拍有趣视频。

有很多人也和我一样, 现实中需要工作的同时也在创作, 看到这些人会让我感到不孤单。

我偶尔会看到自己较喜欢的作品, 我会看那些创作者的TWITTER, 他们有些会分享自己的日常生活, 拍图片或视频, 分享自己喜欢的事, 像是喜欢电单车, 拍下自己的房间是否有宠物、收到赞助商的机器做宣传感谢还是其他, 可能是因为我也很喜欢分享我自己的事, 所以我喜欢看其他人的分享。

有些创作者有很多追随者, 但没什么人支援。

有些则是能分享自己的作品就好, 完全不在意是否有人看。

有些画师每天画一张图作为免费, 然后吸引人去支援, 报酬是免费版本的图中角色增加或减少体毛。

除了留意其他人的创作, 最重要当然是他们的支援金额。

他们的收费都不一样, 每月$3每天画一张图、每月画3张图$7、每月1个L2D有配音的视频$10、每月1个VR视频$5、每月1个跳舞视频$5、每月不定数量的短视频$3。

我看了很多, 然后我发现根本没办法参考, 因为每个人的创作也是不一样的, 作品的内容、风格、个人特色、创意, 这些也是无价的。

像是我到目前为至虽然主要是节奏+SEX, 但其实我没有固定的创作风格。

跳舞中途加入性行为、跳舞后才有性行为、或是故事类型, 我的创作内容全是别人无法预计的, 同样是别人无法参考的。

我思考了很久, 我目前的计划如下:

明年2022年我会新增一个"2021年会员等级", 这是购买我在2021年的所有作品, 明天更新后你们会看到, 售价$38。

(如果你们由我开始创作时就一直透过最基本会员等级支援去支持我, 其实到现在你也只是要花$15, 比明年的$38的计划便宜了$23, 因为我第1个月没有收到任何费用, 这算是对早期由我没什么作品就一直在支援我的人的一种特别待遇, 感谢你们所有人。)

首先是订阅会员提早7天观看, 在7天后我才会发布拥有水印的720P 30FPS视频到IWARA。

$5没有改变, 每月1个作品。

$10和$5是一样, 但是对我进行额外支援。 (很感谢在这个等级的会员, 这令我感觉到你们的爱心。)

$15则是所有作品, 但$15的订阅数量我将会减少, 目前仍在订阅的不会有影响, 但如果退出了, 就没有办法再次订阅。

VIP的特色是有人数限制, 只有少量的人能透过较低的价格获得已停止单独出售的视频, 你们能随时看我的所有作品, 进入我把所有视频整理好的上传空间, 如果有过去的作品有修改版本我也会在那里更新。

而下一年2022年如果错过了我的作品, 将没有方法能再次获得,  或者在一年后2023年如果我仍然在创作, 我可能会考虑推出一个2022年的作品包让人购买。

下一个视频所有动画已准备好, 正在最后的编辑阶段。



图中左边的大凤是最近修改后的模型, 会在3月使用。

















まず、応援者の方には7日前に視聴していただき、その後、ウォーターマークを入れた720P 30FPSの動画をIWARAに掲載します。


10ドルは5ドルと同じですが、私へのサポートが追加されています。 (このレベルのメンバーには本当に感謝です。とても愛されていると感じます)

15ドルで購読数を減らします。 まだ購読されている方は影響ありませんが、退会されると再購読ができなくなります。









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