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  • I appreciate being asked about the annual fee plan.
    I didn't think anyone would be interested in offering me a yearly sponsorship when I haven't even set up my sponsorship site for a month.
    This is really appreciated, and I thank the sponsors who are willing to do so.
    I have thought about this setup, and I have stated in the "About Me" section that because I have to work, I can't guarantee a video every month.
    Yes, I'm in a very precarious situation and I do my best to get through the day, going to work, leaving work, going home to do chores, designing pictures, writing stories, promoting, sleeping, getting up to make videos, napping, going to work.
    I don't know how long I can go on like this, because I can't accept a one-year sponsorship unless I can give up my job and work full-time on the production, otherwise it's not a safe choice for me or the sponsor.
    I will keep this in mind and hope that one day I can achieve my dream, when I do, I will set the annual fee again so that you can have a 10% discount.
    The current plan is one video per month, which is what I would like because I have to work, so this is the best option for me.
    If possible, I would like to have one video at the beginning of the month and one video at the end of the month, which is what a full-time producer usually does, and what I would like to do, but it's difficult at the moment.
    The reason there are 3 videos this month is that I started working on them before I started Patreon, which is definitely not a reference for the speed of updating videos every month.
    As for pictures and stories, although it is set according to the maximum number of supporters, I am not sure how many people will support me, and the point is that I don't want to set a very large number to make people think I am arrogant, so my current plan is to start with 50 posts. (50 supporters)
    My current plan:
    One video per month, I always want my videos to be informative, so my videos will be longer than other producers, rarely will I make a video that is just dancing.
    And I don't like to make clothed or nude versions, and then split the video into several files and treat it as a few months' worth of videos, feeling like I'm making something random just to deliver that month's video, simply because I don't want to be perfunctory to my important supporters.
    I don't want that to happen when the video runs out before the viewer even gets a boner.
    I want my videos to be useful, so there will be sex, and because of all these factors, it will take time to produce them. If there are additional animations, I hope you will like them or give me feedback, I will appreciate it, like or dislike them, or even just click the button to like them, I will be motivated because I know I am making something that people like.
    As for the pictures and the fictional story, basically this will be updated continuously, depending on the number of supporters.
    I need to tell you all these things because it's necessary, even if some backers drop me or change their plans or lower their support because there is money involved, and I don't want people to think I'm scamming or that my backers have high expectations for my work and are disappointed by the results.
    Thank you all for your support, and I really hope you enjoy Joy's work.💕
  • 很感谢有人询问我, 关于年费的计划。
    这真的很感激, 很感谢有这种意愿的赞助人。
    我有为这个设定思考过, 我也有在"关于我"说明了因为我需要上班, 所以我不能保证每个月也有视频。
    没错, 我目前的状况很不稳定, 我每天也是用尽全力去过日子, 上班、下班、回家做家务、设计图片、写故事、宣传、睡觉、起床制作视频、小睡、上班。
    我不知道我能这样尽全力维持多久, 因为这个原因, 我没办法接受别人一次付一年的赞助, 除非我可以放弃我的工作, 全职去投入制作, 否则这对我或是赞助人来说也是不安全的选择。
    年费, 这一点我会记下来的, 希望有朝一日我能达成我的梦想, 到时候我会再设定年费, 让各位能够有10%付费优惠。
    目前的计划是每个月一个视频, 这是我希望的, 因为我要上班, 所以这是最适合我的选择。
    如果可以, 我希望是月头一个视频, 月尾一个视频, 这是一般的全职制作人的做法, 也是我比较期待的能实行的事, 但以目前来说很困难。
    而这个月有3个视频, 是因为我在建立Patreon前已经开始在制作, 这绝对是不能在每一个月的更新视频速度上作为参考。
    而图片及故事方面, 虽然是根据支援者上限而设定, 但我不清楚我会有多少人支援, 而且重点是我也不想定很一个很大的数目让人觉得我很自大, 所以我目前计划首先是50篇。 (50支援者)
    每月一个视频, 我经常希望我的视频内容丰富, 所以我的视频会比其他制作人长, 很少会制作只是在跳舞的视频。
    而且我不太喜欢制作穿衣或裸体版本, 然后把视频分开几个档案再当成是几个月的视频, 感觉这是在为了交出该月的视频而随便制作出来的东西一样, 简单说就是我不希望敷衍我重要的支援者。
    连观众也还没有勃起, 视频就播放完了, 这也是我不希望发生的事。
    我希望我的视频是实用的, 所以会有性行为, 基于以上种种因素, 因此制作上会比较花时间, 如果有额外的追加动画, 我希望你们会喜欢或是给我反映, 我会很感谢, 像是喜欢或是不喜欢, 甚至只是按一下按钮赞好, 我也会有动力, 因为我知道自己在制作的作品有人喜欢。
    到图片以及小说故事, 基本上这个会持续更新, 数量则根据支援者而定。
    我需要和各位支援者说以上的事, 是因为这是必须要的, 即使会有支援者因此放弃我或改变计划或是降低支援也好, 因为这涉及到金钱, 我不希望别人认为我是在诈骗或是不希望我的支援者对我的作品产量有很大的期待但结果却令他们失望。
    感谢所有人的支援, 真心希望你们喜欢Joy的创作。💕
  • 年会費プランについて聞かれたのはありがたかったです。
    この設定について考えてみましたが、私は仕事をしなければならないので、毎月ビデオを保証することはできないと「about me」に書いています。
    写真やストーリーについては、支援者の最大数を基準にしているとはいえ、何人になるかわからないし、要はあまり大きな数を設定して傲慢だと思われても困るので、最初は50人にしようと思っています。 (50人の支持者)


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