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Although I stopped updating at the beginning of August, I haven't taken a break either because after I stopped, I realized that I really enjoy making videos and imagining all kinds of stories, and I started to wonder, if I continue, can I turn my hobby into my career?

I am a person who has no interest in reality, no desire to travel, and no particular job I want to do. I have always just worked and survived without a goal, but on the rare occasion that I came across something I liked, I started to have a goal.

With this goal, I started to apply for my first credit card in my life, unfortunately I failed, but luckily there was another way to connect to PAYPAL, so I tried that too.

There were some problems in the middle, because there was a problem with the operation, PAYPAL forbade to connect to my bank account, and because of this, I called PAYPAL for the first time in my life to deal with this kind of thing.

After dealing with the bank, then to set up PATREON, in fact, I still don't understand the interface of PATREON, often I have to fumble to find the page I want, I'm still thinking how to use it.

It took a lot of time to finally get everything connected.

After PATREON was set up, I started thinking about questions like, "What are some ways to share my work?" , "What kind of sponsorship program should I set up?" , "If no one sponsors me, should I stop?" , "If I want to make a video like MasterServe2 and it takes months, will these sponsors drop me in the middle of it?

Even at this point, I'm still scared, but I've spent a lot of time doing a lot of preparation, and it's really a shame to give up now, so even though I'm scared, I'm still determined to keep going.

I would like to thank some of the producers who helped me along the way, some of them shared their work experience with me, some of them had DISCORD and PATREON, and I went through them, hoping it would be a reference. Referred to their PATREON and started to think about what I could do and what I could offer to my supporters.

I would like to thank DeathJoeProductions, Rika Mizuno, Weiss, Ratzy, YuukiS, AquiNas' and Kem_Kem.

I will keep posting and updating my information, experiences, production progress and even what I have been doing here, but please forgive me, due to the rules here, those images that would violate the rules I cannot share publicly.








PATREON建立后,我开始思考一些问题,如:"有哪些方法可以分享我的作品?" , "我应该建立什么样的赞助计划?" , "如果没有人赞助我,我应该停止吗?" , "如果我想做一个像MasterServe2那样的视频,需要几个月的时间,这些赞助人会在中途放弃我吗?



我想感谢DeathJoeProductions、Rika Mizuno、Weiss、Ratzy、YuukiS、AquiNas'和Kem_Kem。











その過程でお世話になったプロデューサーの方々に感謝したいと思います。私と一緒に仕事をした経験を共有してくれた方もいますし、DISCORDやPATREONを持っている方もいて、参考になればと思い、それらを見てきました。 彼らのPATREONを参考にして、自分に何ができるのか、支援者に何を提供できるのかを考え始めました。

DeathJoeProductionsさん、Rika Mizunoさん、Weissさん、Ratzyさん、YuukiSさん、AquiNas'さん、Kem_Kemさんに感謝しています。



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