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I'm very proud of myself with this one, at the same time alot of improvements can be made, but I'm tired of it. 

Did it in SAI.

I am gonna see this piece to completion (I hate leaving work unfinished!)

Yesterday, I was having a huge issue with tacking SAI (no pen pressure) and it took me a while (weeks beforehand) to get how important pen pressure is for SAI and most, if not all, art programs in general and it took me hours to find the solution to this bitch of a problem and I was just about to give up. Luckily, I found, through a Surface Pro comment that Wintab_x64_1.0.0.20 (x32 for lower resolution) is necessary for pen pressure.

I'm no tech wiz, I just draw (hopefully for a living someday).

And for a while the digital art will be free, due to my incumbent learning curve. UGH. (Hope I learn fast.) 

(I also gotta learn Corel Painter, CSP EX, get better in PS, etc.) 

I'm also using refs and tutorials from other (NSFW) digital artists, taking any help that I can.

The (crappy) line art will be here soon.

Yay. |:/



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