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Hello All,
An absolutely massive amount of things have been swirling, and I want to keep you all in the loop. Please feel free to read or skip any section or sub-section at your leisure and discretion.


P.S. I will have a much, MUCH shorter post coming momentarily with the highlights(tldr).

Release Schedule

There will be no Patreon chapters posted on the Mondays of Christmas or New Year's, nor Wednesday, January 31st. (This will put January at 12 chapters, as is standard.)


Wife - My wife is almost entirely recovered from her surgery, and we are all elated to have her back at full power. 🥰

Baby - Our newest baby girl is happy, healthy, growing well, and sleeping through the night [mostly]. 😴

Cancer - I have had my first follow-up scan, and I am officially cancer free! At this point, I only have annual scans to ensure nothing new develops. 🙏🥳

Work - I am moving to fulltime writing, only. This is a first for me, as well as a really, really big step. While I am a bit nervous, I think this is the right choice for me going forward. 🥳🎉🎊
(My work has asked me to stay on while they hunt for a replacement, so my last day is Feb 2nd, 2024.)

Millennial Mage Supporters

As Patreon continues to be a pain to deal with, I am seeking an alternative.

Patreon - I am not getting rid of Patreon, but I have removed the option for any new "Annual Support."

Ko-fi - Ko-fi does not charge a platform fee percentage and has a generally better reputation than Patreon. Hopefully, that means there will be fewer issues.
This means that more of the money will go toward supporting Millennial Mage, and I will have less frustration trying to deliver good content to you all! 😊

Monthly subscriptions will be set up through ko-fi by January 1st.

One-time donations are setup now, if you'd like to earn the coveted "Terry Jerky Supplier" discord role. 😉

[When Membership opens: New Ko-Fi members are billed immediately when they join the Tier and each calendar month thereafter on the same date they first joined.]


Fourthwall - Hoodies, stickers, t-shirts, and MORE!!!
[Order by Dec 8th for Christmas Delivery!!]

Terry Plushie - I am working with a 'kickstarter like' manufacturer to hopefully get a plushie available to you all, at least for a limited run. No firm dates yet—or even assurance that it will happen...—but I will keep you in the loop as I learn more!

Book 7 - Eskau (Audiobook)

Publisher? - Mountaindale will not be publishing any more Millennial Mage audiobooks.

Self-publication! - As it turns out, audiobooks are expensive, and a ~28 hr audiobook moreso. Regardless, because of your fantastic support, it actually looks like we can swing doing it self-pub! 😊🥳

Tess Irondale has expressed great desire to continue the series as she's really enjoyed recording it, and so we may even be able to have exclusive inside looks into her recording process, when that happens.

I am working through the editing passes to get it to her, ASAP.

I will let y'all know once I have more firm dates locked in.

We hope to release in the first half of 2024!


Irakli Jishkariani

Those are all great news. Congratulations 🎉🎉

George Hicken

I… cannot figure out Kofi tiers. It just prompts me to tip $5. Even if I tap on the post “for monthly subscribers” it’s a prompt for tip.


Oh! My apologies for the confusion. 😅 The monthly support isn't set up on Ko-fi, yet. I aim to get it all in place before Jan 1st, though!😁 Thank you for your readership and support. 😊