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Apologies for the late arrival, it's... been a week...

I'm recovering from my surgery, and I've been meaning to write an update for you all, but it hasn't been a priority with all else going on.

So, for expedency, here it is! 😅 (Feel free to ignore/skip)

Still healthy, still on her way
ETA: Sept 2

Surgery Recovery!
Still hurting, but healing apace!
They didn't take my kidney, so that's a plus, but they did take a chunk, so I'll have nice plastic clips in me for the rest of my life, which is odd to think about.

Gone, in theory, but I won't be declared "cancer free" until after the first followup MRI in about 2 months.

I am as happy as ever to discuss anything with any of you. So, ask away here or in discord! (Discord is probably better, so that if others have the same question it's easier to find.) 😁

Thank you all for your readership and support.

Best Regards,



Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery, and thank you!

mohammed essam

congrats on your revocery :D