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Hello all!
I am going to break this down into parts for easier conveyance and reference. Please feel free to ignore any section you feel isn't of interest to you at this time. My intention is transparency with you all, not to force you to read my ramblings. 😋


* (Added because Patreon won't let me space this properly with empty lines...) 😑



Millennial Mage:
I am continuing to write MM, and I am continuing to love doing so. I don't forsee myself stopping in the near future.

Due to some things that I detail below (Potential Delays Explained), I might have to slow down temporarily for a month or so.

However: If I do so, I will pause Patreon billing either before or as soon as I can.

I am not planning on pausing for a full month. If anything: I will not charge my Patrons for the extra time so that no one is getting fewer chapters than expected for their payment. (If anything, you all should get quite a few more for the same payment, if I need to invoke this.)

The way that Patreon handles such things, no one would be charged for the month in question, and I can still get the remainder of the promised chapters out.


Side note: I am considering slightly altering my posting schedule so that I have a day off of posting to help build buffers every so often. Before I do, if I do, I will come to you all with a poll on what looks best to you. 😊



My Writing in General:
I am still absolutely loving writing whenever I have the time to do so. 🤣

Toward that end, within the next six months I will be sharing with you all another "chapter 1" and then polling my Patrons as to whether you all want that story or "Tek" from the April 1st bonus as the story I write on the side.

I'm not sure exactly how I'll handle that, going forward, but I have so many stories that I want to tell, I think I would start to get irriated with MM if I insisted on not working on any of them until MM was complete.

More to follow later this year. 😁



Personal (Potential Delays Explained):

The good!

  • Our sixth baby is expected early September. (This is also our last. Six is more than sufficient to keep us busy!) 😅

The mediocre:

  • I have a family member going through major surgery in October, and I will be helping them and the family in general around that time.

The 'bad':

  • I have kidney cancer.
  • It is recently diagnosed (~4 weeks ago) and "the best it could be" given the diagnosis.
  • I go into surgery next week to remove it, and if the pathology on the tumor comes back as expected, that should be that.
  • I'll have to have regular scans to make sure nothing comes back or shows up elsewhere, but I shouldn't need chemo or any further treatments. 🙏

My outlook:

  • I feel a passion for writing, and it is a life-giving-activity for me, not a burden. I am going to be writing as long as I can put fingers to my keyboard. 😊
  • As for my mentality/emotional health, I feel that the only way I can convey my state is to share a part of my core beliefs. Once again, feel free to skip or ignore at your discression:

Whatever the trial,
situation, or circumstance,
God is able to see me through.

And if He does not,
God He remains,
and I will serve Him, still.




So, that's a lot.

I apologize for the borderline oversharing, but I feel like you all are partners with Tala and me on this journey through Zeme, and I believe that you have a right to know that somethings might affect my posting schedule.

Again, per above, I have a plan in place to handle any drop in MM writing capacity, and I am open to other suggestions as well.

Thank you, once again, for allowing me to share my story(ies) with you all.



Ocean Breeze

I will be praying for you. Whatever happens, I hope you make the decisions that are best for you.

Hattie Feuerborn

In regard to your posting schedule, please listen to the needs of your body and family during surgery recovery/ new baby. I know you feel a sense of obligation to us, but we REALLY shouldn't come first here. A lot of us will support you regardless of some interruptions to the schedule. Take care 🙂