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A quick note to those of you who are interested in knowing what's to come in the story:

For the Archon/Transcendent level patrons, the story has recently exited the part of the arc that some have called "enslavement." (I will not be more specific, to avoid major spoilers.)




Best Regards,


P.S. For Mage Tier Patrons, specifically, I apologize for the triple ping! At least, two were chapters. 😅


Tomáš Blábol

Finaly. I can start reading again, was seriously considering dropping this story.



Andrew Glass

I actually really liked this arc. It’s gotta be hard to write a character surrounded by enemies, most of which are infinitely more powerful that Talia and still make a good story, and in my opinion it was


The arc has ended? O.o That wasn't my take from the today's chapter. Still seem to be dealing with a whole lot of consequences and other issues right now and Tala isn't exactly free and clear on her way back to humanity.


Since he posted that note after he posted chapter 256, I suspect he meant that chapter was the last of the slave arc.


The Arc hasn't ended the part that some have called "enslaved" has ended. I tried to be clear on that. My apologies if I failed in my conveyance. (Also, trying to avoid spoilers, so being purposely vague doesn't help.)


If I look at it sideways I guess I'd agree the enslaved part is technically done, but we are still pretty much in immediate aftermath and she is hardly free and clear just yet.


Yeah, I agree. However, one of the "core" complaints people had was her being under Be-thric's thumb, and working for her enslaver, etc. Being in a tough situation/not free and clear? That's just a fantasy story that's not it "time-skip" territory. 😁


Mate you time skipped us into this mess you can totally time skip us out of it :P


Touché 🤣 My goal wasn't to decieve, but simply inform. Alas, my imperfections burn brightly at times. I hope that I don't mislead anyone, as that was 100% not my intention. 😅 Thank you for your comments, readership, and patronage! 😊


I agree wholeheartedly. Though I am ready to leave this place and maybe visit again when she can go toe to toe with the powerhouses here

Stephanie Washburn

I think that saying it's not over until everything is all good is a bit short sighted? I imagine Tala is going to be dealing with what happened to her for some time. ((Though I think the immediate consequences will resolve in a couple chapters))


Uh, my main complain was the sudden change in setting, followed by mindfuckery and enslavement. Tbh, i dont like the whole 'tala and the arcanes', and 'over' was for me, back to where i liked the story. So... well, guess ill keep disliking the upcoming stuff then.


If that is your view, I can understand that. I didn't intend to speak for everyone, not by a long-shot. If your definition of "over" is when you like it again, I'll be interested to know when that is, as I've no way of knowing when that will happen. 😋 If it factors, a lot of people either paused, and now read, or reread, and found this arc quite enjoyable when not waiting between chapter, but to each their own. If...something, I don't know, I had a theme going here and went for it. 😅 I do hope that you enjoy what you read, when you read it!


Agreed as well. I looked at it as a much more explained time-skip power up, but for all of the things she cant get from the humans. In addition, it gave us a bunch of background. I would imagine the next arc is reconnecting with the humans, and moving upwards one or two ranks. At which point, I feel like we will start the humans vs. arcanes or even the humans + arcanes vs. the black legion group arc where she will start re-interacting with the people she has met here. But then at least rather than having to go through this part of getting to know these characters and why we should like Mellein or Pallaun (sorry for mispellings), an action/war arc can just bring them in and continue with the story

Louis Nel

Honestly I'm glad we had a break from the caravan runs and relationship stuff with Rain. We've met some interesting new characters. Gotten some amazing loot. Found out a ton about other races and I think made some friends. The 'enslavement' didn't bother me at all once Tala returned. Sure, she wasn't in control of all of her actions and not able to leave. Just like her time at the academy. Remember she was sold right? Taken away to study for years and years? It's not exactly the same of course but sometimes people are put into impossible situations and they come out better. This has been an awful experience, but it has been an absolute positive for her growth and narratively necessary if you want to keep escalating the adventures.


I agree with Louis Nel, I think this arc was pretty cool and a version of it was necessary for world-building and development. I also had a visceral reaction the one chapter after the time-skip where she was under mind control, but mostly because mind control is usually a lazy and awkward plot device that also necessitates clear blindness in character action vs. what the reader can see and unreliable narration. In this case, we didn't have to deal with it in the writing itself which helped a lot. I also didn't mind her being surrounded by technical enemies. My only suggested change would be when be-athric comes to kidnap/mind-wipe her that she be the one to tell Alat to shut down and bide time before reactivating. Perhaps in an interlude around the time of Rain's chapter. I think people's biggest problem (or at least my personal distaste at the beginning) with the arc was her near-total lack of agency in the change, whereas if you add a chapter or a few paragraphs when the kidnapping is happening for her to actually be the one to plan to power-down until some trigger event or something I think it'd go over better with new readers - because while she's outpowered, and would be relying on luck still, she at least has some kind of plan that gives her the sense of agency, however limited. I'm unsure how to work this in with what Tala knew at the time, but if it could be I think people would have reacted better to it.

Ocean Breeze

I really enjoyed this arc too. I think it was great. It didn't end the way I was expecting it to, or how I hoped it would, but I trust the author to do a great job, and I am looking forward to the next arc.


What do you mean some have called enslavement. It's literally an slave arc where the main character is no longer the character we half for the first half of the story. Just unending gross shit. I hoped it would of only been like 15 chapters 20 at most. This is now the longest arc in the entire story. And holy shit it is so gross and painful I stopped reading within 5 chapters of it starting hoping to just binge it once it finished. It is still not over. I dunno why I am still giving you money because I have a feeling based how indulgent this was there is going to be more of the horribly gross stuff.


Yeah how I would describe this arc is indigent fetishistic content. You do not need a time skip. You just don't need to go into as much detail and keep it dragging on. But you kept it going and going and going because this is what you like and want to write. I understand that, but that's why I also call it fetishistic.


Absolutely nothing about the arc was sexual. So, calling it "fetishistic" is fairly odd. Disliking a story is 100% fine. No story is for everyone. No one is forcing you to be here. If you aren't enjoying the story, you can stop reading. Calling something with absolutely no sexual content "fetishistic" or "porn" is pretty strange, though. I hope that you find things that you enjoy reading.


I meant fetish more broadly and in some ways closer to original meaning. I meant it as an idea focused/worshipped/raised for gratification. Gratification does not need to be sexual. I see tourist volunteering in poor countries as fetishistic as well.i don't see that as sexual, I see it as strange labour for strange justifications that lead people to some form of enjoyment/contentment. Edit. When I said torture porn, okay too loose with words but I don't really believe most people who read torture porn get sexual gratification from it. I don't believe they see it as porn. They do get a sense of enjoyment from it though.


I don't know what to tell you, Gabriel. I didn't see this as an "enslavement arc" because it was very similar to her Academy days and her Caravan trips. She's doing something that she may or may not have wanted to do regardless, but she's been coerced into it in one way or another. Then, she makes the best of it while doing as she must. She makes choices that raise her status in the situation, and she uses everything around herself to her own advantage. Sure, someone could kill her on a whim, but that was the state of the world throughout most of human history for all except a very select few. In MM, even in human lands, if someone like Grediv decided to kill her, there is nothing she could do to stop it, and they'd suffer very little in terms of real consequences. In the arcane lands, in this "enslavement arc," she had more real and political power than she ever had back home. All that, together, is why I said "that some have called 'enslavement.' " and why I don't agree. She is/was in an undesirable situation, not of her making, but she is making the best of it, like so many of us do. 🤷‍♂️ If it's not your cup of tea, you are entitled to that opinion. In either case, I hope you are able to find something that is enjoyable to you. Reading is a wonderful pass-time, and I genuinely hope that everyone, everywhere, has access to things they will read with relish.


You don't see how her working for the caravan or going to a school as a child is different from being a literal object for someone to own, an object the person has the total right toeveb their thoughts and personality, where you literally can not be yourself and the only reason to you can be yourself even in your own head is basically luck and oversight? And that as an own object the power obtained from being an object someone owns helps equate that? What? That seems completely insane and unhinged to me.


This is why I found it so gross. Because it is written in that way that shows you don't think it is that much different.


If you actually read the beginning chapters of this arc instead of skimming, it's made very clear that Be-thric can never do that again. So no, it's not something hanging over her head. That said, I can understand you missing that if you didn't read the chapters in which that information was conveyed. My point was not that she got into the situation in the same way, obviously the way she got into the situation is very different. But that's not an arc, that's a singular chapter, very purposefully. That's my point. (Voice typing, so apologies if anything did not come through clearly. I'll spot check this when I get home.)


I did read that. I do know that. All it does is change the threat profile. It doesn't make the situation better. She is a literal object and weapon to her slave master. Nothing changes that till he is dead and the whole arc she is playing the role of good sweet slave weapon.


What the hell did you keep reading then? The setting of this arc was very clear, Tala got free as soon as Alat was back on line and then they worked hard to free themselves. Everyone hated the fact that she was under the thumb of Be-thric, you're the first person that said the word fetishist in the whole arc. The arc was enlightening and you could sense that the Arcanes were unconfortable with how Tami came to be and it was confirmed at the end. If you want we can dig into pretty much any story and dig as much as possible to find a way to twist them the way you just did. Nothing and no one were forcing you to read the story


As I said I stopped reading after 5 or 10 chapters of this and have been waiting to binge it to get it over with. But it never ended. from time to time, like once every 15 chapters of so I would skim through to see how the arc is going. As I said right away fetishistic in the ideation sort of way not sexual. Fetishistic like how many voluntourists are. Or like how some tech hobbiest can be towards hardware/software. Fetish as an representation of an idol. Edit: notice I haven't said anything till now. I have been here since I think before chapter 100. I just had serious issue with the author trying to I say this isn't a slave arc. This arc Talis status is that of a literal slave weapon. I can point out many ways how she is a literal slave all the way through and how if wanted that could have been more horrifying and hightlighted. But it wasnt, it wasn't really a slave arc oh no, it was like going to school or working a job when you have debt, right.


Three things, then I have other things I must be about. One: Just because she is a technical slave, does not mean this is a "slave arc." Else every arc would be a "woman arc" and a "Mage arc" and a "breathing arc" and a "walking art" and a "talking arc" etc. Two: I do find it odd that you state "But it never ended." on the post that is for the explicite purpose of stating that it ended. Have you read up to the most recent chapter? I think not, based on your stated requirement for it to be done. Three: If you had read, you would know that her "enslavement" to Be-thric is a "get her into the arcane lands in a non-enemy role" device (among other things), and he barely factors in directly. It is hard to fetishize a dynamic (even non-sexually) that isn't commonly on the page. (It would be like saying this story fetishizes feet, because they are mentioned occasionally, and obviously everywhere she goes they factor in!) 🤷‍♂️ But, I've said my piece, probably more than was reasonable to do so. You do you, and I wish you happy reading, whatever you choose to read.


Agreed. This was one of my favorite arcs yet. The worldbuilding was absolutely fascinating, I loved seeing a completely new society. I also appreciated how high/real the stakes felt when she was constantly at risk.

Jett Hardin

Man this dude's not worth your time. I appreciate you writing this story as it's one of the best I've found. I can't think of a better spy arc plot device than the one you used and really enjoyed the subterfuge and Intel gathering. The broader universe and lore is expanded upon greatly and seeing the stark cultural decide between humans and arcanes shows why they inevitably apposed to each other. I'll be honest I didn't like it at first especially how jarring it was the first chapter of this arc but definitely enjoyed it more than if it were just a capture and release in five chapters and move on sort of thing. Very well written and Intruiging. To those who haven't read it sorry for the past commenters inadvertent and sometimes immaculate spoilers. If I were you I'd go up to the next level to be able to read the arc as a whole and form your own opinions


The entire arc revolves around her enslavement and trying to escape it. That is the goal, to get home, away from slavery. The slavery is still determining her situation and goals, thus it is not over. Also it's like over 50 chapters now? Every single moment spent in a society where her role is living weapon slave is a moment exploring the dynamic and justifications for that slavery. What are you talking about? You are stretching man. Stretching so hard. Her entire time in the arcane areas is defined by her being a living slave weapon. That is her role that allows her existence, as you say that is what give her power is being a slave. Do you not see how exploring the power that comes from being a slave might seem as fetishistic??? A slave doesn't exist in isolation and as a dynamic to one person. A slave exists in the society that allows slavery and as long as you are a slave in that society that will define all things you experience in that society. The very fact you think her being a slave is a one chapter thing shows your views on this. I am not trying to convince you otherwise. I am sharing my personal thoughts on this. I am laughing at the absurdity of you framing shit as others being weird for seeing this as a slave arc. The very fact you can't see the legitimacy of my view or all the people who are this as a slave arc speaks volumes. You don't want to see yourself as the author that wrote more than 50 chapters about a women being enslaved and used as a tool. You literally told me it's similiar to her being in school or working a job. I dont really care, fiction is just fiction. But I get annoyed when a basic view like seeing an arc where the Mc is a slave is seen as absurd to call it a slave arc. You could of ignored me, you could have been explained why you don't think it's a slave arc and left it as that. Notice I never said you are wrong for your views? I am simply stating my own views. It's like just an opinion maaaaaaaan.

Adrian Gorgey

Wow. If I was that upset, I'd just stop reading. No one is forcing you to read things you don't like and enjoy, let alone pay money to enjoy early access on Patreon. Which I think was the author's main point. You're entitled to dislike the arc and call it what you like, but if you do, you should stop burning your money and adding bad vibes to the comment section. But just because you don't like it doesn't mean the author is gonna change the way they tell their story just to make you happy. Frankly, I'm surprised you stuck around this long when you weren't even reading the content.


Never asked for anything to be changed. Anywhere. Pointing out how it's normal to see and call an arc where an Mc is a slave in a society that defines them as a slave, a slave arc. Not upset, it seems you are ignoring content of what I say to fixate of small parts of what is said to reinforce the narrative you've constructed here? I saw a post in my feed that framed seeing the arc that is defined by being a slave in a alien society as a slave arc as annoying. Then I saw the comments and got more annoyed. So I shared my view of this arc that I have been waiting to be over so I could keep reading? I've really enjoyed the story, I think it has some really great world building and stuff is fairly consistent and coherent. Why wpd I have signed up so long ago and kept up to date until an arc I found distasteful. Why would I wait out the end of the arc? How about you don't makemy position and people who hold it out to be strange for defining the arc by one of the biggest defining things of it. Why was she allowed in arcane society at all? Because she is a slave. This arc is about the things she experiences as a slave. This is her slave arc. She will no longer be a slave and then the arc will be ending. When her role and goals are no longer defined by that slavery the arc will be over. This is how you label arcs.


I lol'd at the feet


So many hater comments. I loved this arc.

Bunny Waffles

Oh! Wonderful! The arc is over? That means I can go ahead and just binge the whole thing in one go now! Was waiting for this time to come!


Hated this arc

Adrian Gorgey

Also just wanted to say I loved the arc. I thought it was fascinating and really fleshed out the world in a great way.


@Jett Hardin While I appreciate the sentiment and support, would you be willing to edit your comment to remove the first sentence? I'd rather we keep the discourse as civil as possible. Again, though, thank you for the support and the content of most of the comment. 😊


Well, it seems I was mistaken, I do have one more thing to say, after a night's thought. As you haven't read it, I can completely understand how you wouldn't have seen this: There is only one relationship/person that Tala interacts with that the fact that she is "enslaved" factors in. Be-thric (Without reading you might be unaware that: In arcane society, the collar isn't a mark of slavery, it is a requirement for any human who advances. It's like a gun-safety/liscense rolled into one to them. Racist as all get out, but not a mark of slavery.) For literally every other interaction, she is simply "a candidate Eskau" and then "an Eskau." No one calls her a slave. Basically no one knows she's a slave. No one treats her as a slave (obvious exception aside). Even Be-thric doesn't "act" like she's a slave, because he's hiding the fact from basically everyone. He pretends that she's there of her own free will (not true, and awful, but even her enslaver doesn't treat her as a slave). She is looked down on for being human by some, but those look down on all who are human. (They're just racist.) The arcanes see her as an Eskau, and in a few cases a hated human, but the factor of her "enslavement" is utterly unknown to basically everyone. "Slavery" isn't the defining characteristic of anything in this arc EXCEPT: How she initially got to this place. (Same with Thron, actually) The undercurrent when she interacts with Be-thric (which is rare, content wise). That, is the core reason why it isn't a defining feature in my mind. I doubt this convinced you, but I realized that I hadn't taken the time to properly sort through my own thoughts on why it made no sense to call it a slave arc in my mind. Though it might not seem it, I mean this genuinely: Thank you for causing me to think through my own reasoning. That allowed me to come to the true basis of my own understanding. Specifically, your statement of "in a society that defines them as a slave" is what clued off this final revelation. 😁 -J.L.Mullins

james young

I would wait for another update or two. We are currently on the weird transition and you will cliff hanger yourself if you binge it now instead of in a week or two

Jett Hardin

She's no more a slave in society than we are to our jobs or capitalism


I will also say: The muzzle really is to protect the dog. We don't always muzzle dogs though. Just a thought, humans treat dogs better than arcanes treat humans.


Comment and critique are welcome. Differences of opinion spark great conversation and deeper thinking. That said, personal attacks and a lack of basic civility is not acceptable. Therefore, I have deleted one of the comments from the above back and forth. Thank you.


I pointed out directly my issues with you characterization of what I said. You deleted it. Wanna point out the personal attack? A vague statement about a personal attack while deleting said thing and not even making a claim to what it is...


Yeah, the muzzle was for the dasganach not to escape.. It seems like, since you skipped most of the arc you got really fixated on the slave thing at the start and never got your view challenged

Travis Brown

If anything I think tala didn’t take enough from tali in this arc, she recognized traits that tali had that were more advantageous then purposefully avoided them. “Slavery was never even a part of it, the only slave related thing was a collar but even that was more of a shock collar then a slave collar. I liked the arc overall great world building and character development. Don’t worry about people who didn’t read it crying.