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DATES: [Those after May are subject to slight alertation.]

  • March 1st: I will stop calling out Patrons specifically on RR, to prevent Author's Note fatigue.
  • March 1st: I will remove book 1 [ch. 1-40] from RR and Patreon.
  • March 15th: Book 1 - Mageling will be published on Amazon Kindle Unlimited (KU) and the Audiobook will be released on Mountaindalepress.store (MDP).
  • April 1st: Book 2 [41-70] will be removed from RR and P.
  • April 19th: Mageling audiobook will be released on Audible; Book 2 - Mage will be released on MDP and KU
  • May 10th: Book 3 [71 - 103] will be removed from RR and P.
  • May 24th: Mage audiobook will be released on Audible; Book 3 - Binding will be released on MDP and KU
  • [You get the pattern]
  • June 14th: Removal of Book 4 [104-135]
  • June 28th: Binding on Audible; Publishing of Book 4 - Bound
  • July 19th: Removal of Book 5 [136-172]
  • Aug 2nd: Bound on Audible; Publish Book 5 - Fusing
  • Aug 23rd: Removal of Book 6 [173-199]
  • Sep 6th: Fusing on Audible; Publish Book 6 - Fused


Why is the Audiobook coming out on MDP's website first?

  • Amazon takes 60% of the sale price of audiobooks.
  • Any book sold on MDP does not have that majority taken off the top.
  • So, we are offering it there for 1 month to allow those who want to support the story more to do so at the same price.

Why not only sell on MDP?

  • Because Audible is the core market for audiobooks, and we would end up with less, in the end, if we didn't sell there.
  • Thus, 1 month on MDP, then on to Audible.

Are these books just the chapters that will be pulled down?

  • By and large? Yes, with deep edits done, and the content feathered to address some issues raised.

If there is anything else you want to know, please ask! I'll try to add it here, going forward. My plan is to post a modified version of this on RR around the end of Feb.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure! 😁

P.S. Bonus chapter [259B] will be coming out, tomorrow morning. 😊



Thank you for providing a alternative to Audible


I am not sure I like the fact you are removing all avenues for me to re-read the story without paying you again. I mean I wasn't with you throughout the whole book but I have been paying you $15 a month for a while for you to now take them off the site? It dosen't sit well


Legally required, if it’s on Amazon it has to be removed from all other sources. Including patreon. The point of being a patron is to get them payed. Arguing against publishing doesn’t make sense.


Love that you're giving each book a title thanks for posting this will support the audio

Adrian Gorgey

Great news! Love that you're going with KU, I personally think it's a great service and I hear that the remuneration for authors is pretty good! With these rapid releases, hopefully you can find an expanded audience beyond just RR :)

Michael Maor

Will you be posting here, or otherwise make the edited books available to us before going to KU?


BAM your welcome https://web.archive.org/web/20230218214336/https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/47826/millennial-mage-a-slice-of-life-progression-fantasy i use web archive to read books on RR after they do the kindle deal, kinda annoying but w/e


The remuneration for KU is shit. But also most independent authors don't have a lot of options...and I'm happy when any story doesn't go to Webtoons new BS app for webnovels.


TBH i hate how audio book titles work now, having to google what order books are in because non of them have a number in there name, i miss the old style of "Millennial Mage vol:1 Mageling" "Millennial Mage vol:2 Mage" and so on, The Wandering Inn change from vol:1 2 3 to random names when book 4 came out and it was really annoying and kinda pointless rebranding. Mageling, Mage , Binding , Bound, Fusing, Fused, works better then random names but will probably stop working when tala slows down to not advance every book like the 10 realms,


Why remove from Patreon? My understanding was that KU only requires the book not be freely available elsewhere, not that it has to come down from behind the Patreon paywall. Is that not right?


Wow I just looked up the terms. 90 days exclusivity, no copies of the book available anywhere anyhow except KU. What a world.


Congratulations 🎊


Wouldn’t you normally leave a few chapters on RR as a preview to get people hooked?


Wouldn’t even this be against the Amazon Terms as the book would still be publicly available?


@Alex Griffin yea if some one goes out of there way to report it to amazon and amazon file a DMCA or something it would probably get taken down, but they make 100s if not 100s of these kindle untimed deals a yea and they don't really go out of there way to enforce the "content only on kindle untimed" thing much. like a few books on RR have chapter's that say come join my discord for the stub chapter's, they just have the Stub chapter's as a .EPUB file un-edited. unless some one goes out of there way to dob them in amazons not going to go out of there way to find stuff like that, they would have to pay some one to do that.


I have seen other authors do this before publishing as well. From my understanding, a lot of patrons will go and buy the book/audiobook anyway, but making it available on Patreon for those who feel like they have donated enough would be a nice gesture.


I disagree cuz most books that are on ku are just 1 2 3 & so on so me I miss this cuz thus just gives each book a little soul imo

Reed Montemurro

I saw some other people mention this, and some other authors i support on here have done it as well, but do you think you could email the epub to patrons above a certain tier or make it available to download for a period of time before it has to come down?


I hear you, and I definitely wouldn't do it if it wasn't required. I've been "nose to the grindstone" keeping chapters coming out while editing the books and getting them ready for publication, so I haven't been thinking too broudly. I can definitely put at least the current version (epub) up for patrons in the next couple of days, but it will have to come down after as well (same reasons already stated). Hopefully, I'll have the "fully edited" version, but that one's not fully done on the formatting side, etc. (RR makes the epubs for what's on their site.) Either way, I'll get something up you all to be able to have, going forward. Thank you for your thoughts, readership, and patronage. 😊 -J.L.Mullins


Book 7 being Eskau is a tentative title. (My tentative title for book 1 was "The Beginning of True Magehood" so don't put too much stock in "Eskau." At least not yet.) 😉


That is a phenominal idea that I really should have considered myself. Thank you for the suggestion! 😁 I've been "nose to the grindstone" keeping chapters coming out while editing the books and getting them ready for publication, so I haven't been thinking too broudly. I can definitely put at least the current version (epub) up for patrons in the next couple of days, but it will have to come down after as well (same reasons already stated). Hopefully, I'll have the "fully edited" version, but that one's not fully done on the formatting side, etc. (RR makes the epubs for what's on their site, I have to do it for the editted/updated version.) Either way, I'll get something up you all to be able to have, going forward. Thank you for your idea, readership, and patronage. 😊 -J.L.Mullins


Absolutely! As I said on other comments above, I really should have considered myself. Thank you for the suggestion! 😁 I'll get an epub up you all, before the end of the month. My aim will be for it to be the edited version. 🤞 Thank you for your suggestion, readership, and patronage. 😊 -J.L.Mullins

James Knight

Any chance of physical book release in the future? Would love to have a copy to put on my bookshelf.


I'm considering it? It would be an entirely other formatting process to get it up and running. I have had several people request such, though, so it is on the table. Thank you for letting me know your interest! 😊


Will bonus chapters be part of the published version / audiobooks?


Hi! Did you post/email a epub version of book 2 and I missed it?!