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I have two requests for you lovely patrons, one for me and one for you. 😁

First, the one for me:

If you would be willing, please rate and/or review Millennial Mage, on RoyalRoad.  The algorithms really seem to weigh reviews much more highly than ratings, advanced reviews even more so! All are a big help in increasing visibility and readership!

Now, while I would greatly prefer that all those ratings and reviews be 5 stars, I don't want them to be falsely so. Please rate/review MM as you feel appropriate!
🎉 Honest ratings and reviews help everyone! 🎉

Second, the one for you:

I would love to make Patreon more valuable/appealing to you and future patrons. What are some things that you would like to see/would recommend? I can't promise to implement them, but I'll take a serious look!

I recently added the 'Table of Contents' towards this end. Is there anything else like that that I can do to improve the overall experience?

A cover redesign is on my short-list! I just haven't had time to really dig into that. Expect to hear more about that endeavor in March. 😁 (Be forewarned: I've no idea how long the process will take. First Cover Quest!!!)

Thank you, all, for your patronage and readership.

Best Regards,



Honestly can't think of anything really. You're consistent, you debate in the comments and seem open to suggestions and such and just generally seem to be enjoying writing as much as we love to read. Don't pressure yourself overall and it should be good in my opinion.


I can't well ask for more chapters considering your rate of posting, but some artwork, commissioned or otherwise, to give a little more of your interpretation of the characters would be delightful. I'm not really interested in another's interpretation if it's not based on your vision of the characters or world. Many of the magics, inscriptions, Tala inside of Kit, the fantastical creatures: be they landscapes with herds like the lightning antelope like monolith or the fox (be it trapped in pain or expectantly waiting before the peaks), or any of the characters. Anything to give a tangible expression of the world through a different medium. So many ideas that would be wonderful to lay witness to, guided by your vision. I am untalented in that department, but there are many who could work together with yourself? Perhaps. Anyways... Many thanks for the chapters!


a bundle of chapters where be it epub/pdfs etc. is always a nice value add to paterons


to get people to join higher tiers a common way is to write side stories of fan favorite characters or to do dives into backstory like tala's parents etc. that kind of thing that would be intresting to super fans.


I..have i reviewed this? I lost the overview. If i havent i will. If you ask me all these extra things, the polls and art and character summeries and lore? Its good if it motivates the author but i get nothing from it. Id rather you make a chapter. I dont want to hurry you up or say you shouldnt do it. But it feels like the people who do this spend their time making merchandise instead of actual story. If you want to do something? Do it! But for me you dont have to.


The geometric construction symbol of the current RR cover is rather nice, a cover redesign might as well keep it in some form, right?


Ok reviewed it.


Artwork and maps would be cool.

John Growcott

I very much agree with Narasan above. I'm a Patreon because you are writing a great story and I want to keep reading it as fast as possible. Other things like pics, maps more character details, or law can be nice but not at the expense of the main story and if you do start posting such stuff please consider only posting it at the same time as new chapters. I find the disappointment of seeing an update only to find it's not a new chapter tends to put me off seriously looking at whatever else was posted and I doubt I'm the only one. The epub/pdf version mentioned above would also be a good idea I think.


This is an old thought of mine, but: How about just posting a monthly bonus chapter on patreon? And the answer is mostly the same (at least in my head... so i might be way off...), as the main problem of the 'to far ahead' is, that the feedback on rr will be problematic to include into 'future chapters' as those might have already be written. That may discourage them from participating in commenting, which i guess is not in your interest. I guess thats why many authors go with patreon exclusive artwork / side stories / new lore / a wiki etc. ... lots of guesswork here ... ^^ Do those make supporting more valuable? No idea, im here for the story and for the author to grow independent, anything else is... well... a bonus. xD


You could add "Next chapter", "previous chapter" and "index" buttons for each chapter.

Adrian Gorgey

I personally would love to see some commissioned art of favorite characters or the world.

ciaran mullen

I think it would be awesome to include Transcendent tier patreon into the story. For example one of the cooks at a restaurant she visits could be named after the ptreon/or a spell invented was marked as a patreon name. they wouldn't need to be important characters but it could be a small bit of lore that would add a personal touch for the patreon


The only thing I do NOT like about your patreon, is it being 10$ instead of the common 5$. And yes, your writing IS very good, but there are others providing the same thing for 5$. Right now I‘m fine with paying 10 but maybe in the future, if I have to cut a patreon, it will probably be yours. I do really love your story though, and I also don‘t know your circumstances, maybe you really need the money to write full time! :)

Saramon H

It would be nice if you hyperlinked a "previous chapter" and "next chapter" at the ends of the chapters here on patreon

Alexander Belousov

Yes, please! "Previous" and "Next" are great features. :)


epub file to read in Apple books? Calibre can help you convert the files if you want. And I think you can attach the files to patreon pretty easy since I've seen it from other authors. up to you though😁👍

Jackson Ragland

Epubs great but there's a small chance of it getting pirated then, other than that I think your patreon is set up really well with the notifications and everything going out correctly.


(I don't pirate off patreon, but here of authors pirated. Just realized that my comment could be misinterpreted as such.) I always wonder though is it easier to Pirate via copy paste or a downloadable document? Technically I think the way Patreon just shows posts as plain text instead of a pdf, image, or drm protected format is easier to copy paste to a pirate blogs as plain text for a bot, but I'm unsure.

Froyo Baggins

I'm probably gonna go back to cyclically paying when chapter frequency goes down, but that's only if you let RR catch up enough that it's worth it. I'd say max 1mo ahead if there's not a price decrease.


MM Patreon Tiers will be maintaining their current chapter lead over RR. That should be a greater than 1 month gap between releases here vs. there. (RR is dropping to the M-W-F posting schedule as well.)


Very personal thing probably, but if any of Talas food-gasms are based on real food that you have tried and found awesome: The recipes!


This. I love your story and I don’t mind paying $10 for now because you’re a very good writer and also new to it. So I see it as not only paying for a service but also investing in you as a writer, I want you to continue to write and to grow in popularity and reader base. But you also got to think about it like this $10 Patreon‘s are Basically paying the equivalent of a main stream paperback novel every month IE Jim Butcher’s Battle Ground in paperback has a list price of $9.99. Anyway I like you and your story very much and will do what I can to help spread your fan base.


That... That I can probably do. 😁 My wife is an utterly fantastic cook, and I enjoy cooking as well. (She puts me to shame, these days.) Many of the items Tala enjoys are inspired by what my wife has made for me or things that I've tried to figure out. Might just have to compile some of the best of them and make a PDF for Patrons. 🤔 Thank you for the idea!!


I might just be able to do that. I'll have to think on how I can make it work, organically in a way that could be satisfying for Trancendent tier patrons without being a an oddity. Good thought, thank you for the idea!


Maybe think about redoing the synopsis? I was hooked after the first chapter, but none of the things I really like about the story were hinted at in the synopsis. For example, I love inscriptions, as a concept, and they aren't mentioned.