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Beginning in March, Millennial Mage will be moving to a M-W-F schedule.

We are having another baby in late April/early May, and life is becoming a bit chaotic as we prepare for the new arrival. Appointments become more and more frequent, areas have to be re-baby-proofed, etc. On top of flying a desk for a living, it's a lot.

Thank you, all, for your patronage. These last months have been a bit dreamlike with how much MM has been embraced and enjoyed.

Patreon will keep it's lead on RR, so, in effect, the advanced chapters will be even more advanced than before! 😉

That said, I completely understand if fewer chapters per week changes the value calculation for your patronage. I hope and pray that you continue to enjoy MM, whether or not you decide to maintain your financial support.

I want to give a special thank you to all those of you who have rated Millennial Mage on Royal Road, every rating helps bring awareness to more readers!

An extra grateful shout-out to those of you who have taken their time to write honest reviews. They are encouraging, uplifting, and fun for me to read, and they seem to be weighted more heavily in the algorithm for overall rankings on RR. The large number of high reviews that MM has is definitely a big reason that Tala's tale continues to draw in new readership! Thank you for helping the story gain visibility. 😁

It continues to be an almost overwhelming pleasure to share MM with you all, and I look forward to writing Tala's Adventures for many, many chapters to come.

Best Regards,


Jed Wolfgang

Congratulations on the new addition! I’m also having another kid in April, so I completely understand the schedule adjustment. Good luck!




Congratulations! You're naming the kid after me, right? ;-)

Ocean Breeze

Congratulations!!! I'll be sad, but I understand.


Congratulations! I know the future is always in flux but is the plan for this shift to be temporary till things have settled down again or is it intended to be permanent?

Andrew Goudie

Things settling down with babies can be 6 months+ Just depends on the kid :)


Good luck!


Honestly I'm amazed you were able to keep up a 5 days a week schedule as long as you did. I won't be surprised if you end up going to 2 days once the kid arrives. Regardless I'll be a Patreon as long as you keep making this kickass story.


Congrats to the new family member! :-) To the monetary value... i have to confess that this is by large the most expensive patronage im running, and it is mostly because of the high amount of (good) content you churning out. You've reduced that already and i was ok with that, but if you go down to 3x per week, you should reduce the tier value. Maybe others here are of different opinion, but personally i cant justify to myself to pay that much for it when others are much less. It just dosnt do to pay two kindle books per month when you 'only' post 3 chapters a week. Hope you dont take this as me devaluing your work. Its great, but i need to keep things clear for myself when having a limited budget at hand.


Hello! Thank you for the feedback. I can completely understand if that's how you did/do the calculation. When I built out the MM Patreon, I set the Tier cost/benefit based on a wide look at what other creators are doing, and the number of chapters ahead offered by any given Tier. If I may ask, isn't that how you (and my other patrons) calculate the value as well? The $5 tier has exactly as many chapters per month as the $10 tier, but the extra $5 seems worth it to most, because of how far ahead it is. Again, I completely understand that everyone determines their spending/makes value judgments differently; I am mainly asking to better understand your perspective, and what factors contribute to the value of a serialized fiction. I really appreciate your patronage, and thank you, again, for taking the time to let me know what you are thinking. Regards, J.L.Mullins

Nick Tinsley

Really the number of advanced chapters is kind of pointless after one month of subbing. After a month you are just paying for the story at whatever the release frequency is. I probably won't unsub but honestly even now you are pretty behind some of the big names as far as cost to release frequency goes so Id expect to lose a bunch of people. Love the story though no complaints here.

Baldur Norddahl

On the other hand, the number of advanced chapters is what gets new patreons to subscribe. The release rate or the lack thereof is what gets them to unsubscribe later. So two metrics that does different things. When you can not keep up the release rate, you want to make sure you still have a lot of advanced chapters to get new people to subscribe for a while.


If you’re setting a brand name remember quality. The story is enjoyable, with a seldom seen version of the way magic works. Keep writing and know that you’re good at it.