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This is a table of contents to keep everything organized and facilitate the finding of any given chapter.

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Book 1: Mageling
Epub/Paperback on Amazon or Audiobook through Audible

Book 2: Mage
Epub/Paperback on Amazon or Audiobook through Audible

Book 3: Binding
Epub/Paperback on Amazon or Audiobook through Audible

Book 4: Bound
Epub/Paperback on Amazon or Audiobook through Audible

Book 5: Fusing
Epub/Paperback on Amazon or Audiobook through Audible

Book 6: Fused
Epub/Paperback on Amazon or Audiobook through Audible

Book 7: Eskau

Epub/Paperback on Amazon or Audiobook through Ko-fi, via BookFunnel

Book 8: Ironbound

Book 9: Citybound

Book 10: Voidbound

Book 11: Flockbound


Tomáš Blábol

I had idea for bonus chapter: there was time when tala was trying ending berry seeds in her mouth with holly and healer shir present and shir said that he and holly will talk, he didn't say about what but it was implied about how refined tala's body was. I think it would be interesting. I think it was chapter 189.

NOpe Nope

Would be happy to review, but it seems that i am not allowed on amazon.com, i could if it was on amazon.uk/.fr


A review on any of Amazon's country specific sites will count towards the goal, to the best of my ability. 😊

NOpe Nope (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-17 14:58:33 I would love to, but seems like different country sites have compartimentalized product and can't find your ebook there: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=millennium+mage+j.+l.+mullins&amp;sprefix=%2Caps%2C118&amp;ref=nb_sb_ss_recent_1_0_recent
2023-03-16 15:36:45 I would love to, but seems like different country sites have compartimentalized product and can't find your ebook there: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=millennium+mage+j.+l.+mullins&sprefix=%2Caps%2C118&ref=nb_sb_ss_recent_1_0_recent

I would love to, but seems like different country sites have compartimentalized product and can't find your ebook there: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=millennium+mage+j.+l.+mullins&sprefix=%2Caps%2C118&ref=nb_sb_ss_recent_1_0_recent

MillennialMage (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-17 14:58:33 Here ya go! 😁 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mageling-Slice-Progression-Fantasy-Millennial-ebook/dp/B0BX4KLJPZ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3DDMA7CJLDTR9&amp;keywords=millennial+mage&amp;qid=1678981088&amp;sprefix=millennal+mage+j.+l.+mullins%2Caps%2C331&amp;sr=8-1
2023-03-16 15:38:41 Here ya go! 😁 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mageling-Slice-Progression-Fantasy-Millennial-ebook/dp/B0BX4KLJPZ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3DDMA7CJLDTR9&keywords=millennial+mage&qid=1678981088&sprefix=millennal+mage+j.+l.+mullins%2Caps%2C331&sr=8-1

Here ya go! 😁 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mageling-Slice-Progression-Fantasy-Millennial-ebook/dp/B0BX4KLJPZ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3DDMA7CJLDTR9&keywords=millennial+mage&qid=1678981088&sprefix=millennal+mage+j.+l.+mullins%2Caps%2C331&sr=8-1

NOpe Nope

I thougth I knew how to use amazon and a computer in general..... Thanks:) Also btw while I'm here, I really love your stuff :)


🤣 It's more than fine. 😁 Thank you for the kind words. I really apprecieate the support! 😊


Hi JL! Been enjoying the story a lot, and actually started my first full re-read! One suggestion: Could we have in the ToC a background post where you list the hierarchy for both humans and arcanes, with corresponding colors in Tala’s mage sight? And also perhaps a list of where important characters (Grediv, Holly, Jevin, Bethric, Platoiri city lord, Meallain, etc.) are in the hierarchy? That would make things easier to keep track of…


I am so glad that you are enjoying! That is a very solid idea. I have notes that I can pull from. 🤔 There'd be some difficulty in keeping it up to date with the current chapter, rather than where I am currently writing? And it would only be "non-spoilery" for one tier of Patron... 😅 I'll see what I can do in the coming weeks! 😊


I think most of that information could be solved with a simple "First introduced in chapter X" blurb for the more spoilery entries (characters, places), though that would take some effort to build up for everything up to now, maintaining it wouldn't be at all as annoying (probably). Also another way to do it would be to have updates based on arcs/books instead, cause I do think most of the information I've been wondering about is very old info (what colors represent what ranks, which ranks for humans, which ranks for arcanes, etc.) This would help a lot I think for cases like mine where I dropped the story for a good while, and also just in general cause there is a lot of lore stuff that isn't mentioned for a bit, and I'm super bad at remembering stuff like that. I do have to say though that something about your writing does make it very easy to ignore these lapses of information, you always give very good context and description when stuff comes up, so there's only mild confusion most of the time. The color system is great for this since the color spectrum is something most people are aware of.


Good thought! Until I get it sorted, though, hope this helps!! 😁 Bound Red Child Fused Orange Mature Refined Yellow Elder Paragon Green Honored Reforged Blue Revered Ascending Indigo Hallowed Transcendent Violet Sovereign


Yeah, a list like that is very useful, I keep forgetting where exactly those are in relation to each other, and what corresponds to what. This bit above should really be in the main page, because here it's hidden (you have to scroll down to comments, and then further click on more replies for this particular comment)

Mr R

The colours are arranged like a rainbow: ROYGBIV. When I realized that, I was simultaenously pleased and annoyed at Mullins for making such a simple systemBTW, a good mnemonic for ROYGBIV is "Richard of York gave battle in vain".


That awful feeling when chapter 293 is listed in the TOC but not yet available/published... Haha!

Paul Murray

Will there be paperback versions of books 4 and 5? I am enjoying this very much and look forward eagerly to each installment.


Thank you for the kind words! The intention is 'yes.' I will let you all know when they become available. The formatting for the paperback printing is unfortuantely a lot more finicky that other forms, so it takes much longer.

Joe Johnson

I just joined your Patreon, and signed up for Discord, but I would like the author to know that I am really enjoying this story/journey. :)


Would it be possible to add a glossary or at least a human-arcane-color ranking reference in the "fun" section? With juggling reading ~15 different web serials at any given time, reference sheets for power systems are my lifeline ^^ Also, congrats on going full-time :D

Simon Welsh

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/921108057231089694/1000188747285016638/SPOILER_unknown.png is the one we've got in the MM Discord


Minor suggestion: could you make this a bulleted list with hyperlinked text? Would make this quite a bit nicer on mobile (although that might be a lot of work for you now that it’s already written)

william wallace

Such a tease… here I was thinking surprise chapter dropped. Thanks for putting up a table of contents, patreon ui is hot garbage.

Xavier Joanblanq

I recommend the mobile app if you're not using it already. The website is utter ass on mobile but the app is decent.


I'm using the app, and for some reason it opens the links in my Webbrowser, where I'm not logged in. It's not a problem for me, as i've read all chapters, just info. I always finde it helpful if chapters are tagged withe the story name or something. Makes it way better to find something on mobile. Especially if you ever want to publish another story here.


Could you add the bonus alt-perspective chapters to the table of contents?


Good thought! Done. 😁 (The category was there, at the top, but now they are layered in!)