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Hey All,
I've been down for the count all day and am just barely functional, for the moment.

What does this mean:

I will try to respond to @s, comments, and messages by the end of the weekend, but I'm currently just grateful I can look at a screen and think coherently. (I'm not sure how long that will last.)

Archon+ Chapter will post as usual.
Mageling and Mage chapters for tomorrow will post shortly(tonight), as I can't be sure I'll be able to get up, tomorrow morning, to give access to them, then.

At the moment, I don't think I'll be able to get the Saturday chapter together for the Archon+'s. I apologize for that, but I will see what I can do.

Next week:
If what I have is food-poisoning, next-week should be as expected, with no changes to MM's posting schedule.
If it is contagious, and moves through my household, it is going to be a really rough week, and I will likely have to make some alterations. I'll let you know as soon as I know.

Thank you all for your patronage, patience, and understanding,



Take time to recover and feel better. Health > story.


Best of luck, and hope for a speedy recovery. Health is more important than writing.

Jonathan Brewster

Rest up, my guy. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!


Hope you get better soon! Food poisoning is a bitch. But fingers crossed thats all it is


Hope you feel better. The wife and just finally got better. Felt like someone beat me with a bat.

Ocean Breeze

You take care of yourself. Don't feel pressured to drive yourself crazy. A happy and healthy author is our top priority.

Isaac Fratti

Get better first, then write. Hope you feel better soon


Nah man take the time off. We don't need the chapters and you already post at an insane rate


Feel better!


Take care, and don't stress yourself about us. Your health obviously takes precedence over the story. Try to sleep the sickness away, a good rest often works wonders. And remember to stay hydrated!

william wallace

Feel better. Take Saturday off.

Adrian Gorgey

Don't be afraid to take a few days off when needed! Otherwise you burn out and then no one's happy!

Baldur Norddahl

Don't worry, it happens. Get well first and then make more great chapters <3


Feel better! Might make you feel better if you explore Tala+Lyn (Talyn) for future chapters. It makes me feel better thinking about it.

Robert Rosenthal

rest up and I hope you feel better soon

Cyrus McEnnis

Hardest thing to do when self-employed is take time off, but you do need to factor it in to things. Keep your patrons informed and we'll be happy.

Sean Carter

Take sick days. Worker’s rights! To not write with food poisoning!

Melting Sky

Take care of yourself properly and take a bit of time off. You have a very aggressive upload schedule. Nobody will begrudge for needing some sick leave. Forcing yourself to work through being ill will just make you burn out and it will do way more harm in the long run. Feel better soon.

Lorraine V

Take care of yourself.


I can only repeat what has been said already: Take care of yourself and those close to you first, all else is secondary. You have one of the most insane posting schedules out of 30+ authors I'm following, with basically no time off so far. Noone will complain if you take a few days off, especially if you're sick. But even if you just need to recharge. Noone want's you to burn out. Just keep us informed if you'll miss some chapters, like you did, and we'll be ok 😉 Get well soon and make sure you are wholly recovered before diving into work again!


get well soon and don't do to much


Oh, not good. Food poisoning? Did you pull a tala? xD Hope you're getting better soon. No worries about our side, your health is more important then our graving for new chapters. :)


As others have already said: Don't worry. With your current output(if you can keep that up) a week or two off once in a while won't hurt all that much.


Take care, rest well and make sure to be well-hydrated. And even if your stomach doesn't feel up to it, please remember to try to eat a bit. A broth/soup would be the best option as it is nourishing but light, and not too difficult to digest. Also, even if we're in winter right now, please try to refresh the air in the living rooms and bedrooms by opening the windows at least 30min per day. Fresh air is important. Don't rush yourself, health is not a race and it's ok to take the time to heal correctly. Us MM-addicts will simply have to wait a bit, it's not a terrible fate when we know that quality will be there whenever you upload again. Personally, I'd rather wait a month for you and your family to be better, than have you rush a chapter in a week and be disappointed by the fever writing. TL;DR: Don't worry about us, do your best to feel better and to take care of your family.

Alex Scriber

I’m sorry you are sick. Take all the time you need. I hope you make a full recovery.