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Well folks, we did it, or more accurately, you did it. Hurrah!😍

Now, I have to tackle map making. 🤔 Hmmmm... I think I've got this.

My aim is to have the reward for this Goal out to you by the end of the year. (Yes, next weekend.) 😁

You all are amazing.

Thank you



Awesome. We wouldn’t mind getting an extra chapter too :P


Please be careful not to overwork yourself.

Sebastian Viller

Your way of writing is so fluid, everything feels so smooth while reading. Are you a discovery writer, or how are you writing? I want to be able to write how you do lol


Thank you! That's very kind of you. So, I am mostly a discovery writer, but I do a LOT of edits, and keep copious notes. (I also usually have a direction that I want to take the story, as I "discovery" write each section.) This story/world is now well enough in my head that I only do ~4 edits per chapter, now. I write a "Rough skeleton." (Here, I have my Alpha reader tell me where she wants to see more, or where something doesn't fit or doesn't make sense.) Then, I go back through and add "meat" to the bones, fleshing out the ideas, cleaning up the timeline, filling in missing info, etc. (Mostly following Alpha's thoughts, but also my own) I then do the first "true" edit, ensuring characters are acting like themselves, and I didn't break anything in-world. The middle edit is next, and I usual use that for continuity and the most egregious grammar/spelling, etc. The final "polish" is meant as just a read through to correct the "minor" grammar/etc mistakes, and if I change/add/subtract anything substantial, it doesn't count, and I have to go through again. ;) Hope that helps!