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What would you all like to see Tala (or other characters) ask an Archon Librarian?

I'm asking for a friend.  ;)



Non-restricted info? - What is the highest power entity interacted with by humans? - Is there a field of magic focused on far-sight? aka scrying - What is the most esoteric material used for Inscribing? - What is the shape of the world? - What avenues have been attempted for sustained human structures rather than the current cyclical approach?


Something that has already been discussed! Don't start another plotpoint at this moment, I would really prefer vewer, smaller problems at a time that could be dealt with (at least in part) relatively quick. Maybe something about familiars, the binding of them, perhaps. Terry is clearly the biggest opportunity in the short term, speed-goldruns for example. He should be extremly fast. Exploring their relationship including a real viewpoint from Terry would be nice. Not too much theory please.


Platinum based inscriptions? How about alloys checked for strength and conductivity? How do humans deal with heavy metal poisoning?


Oh also, is precious metal a finite resource on this world? If so then how are mages going to deal with the scarcity of their resources directly tied to power.


Perhaps the arcaneous cities, or something about EE breathing magic

Dominic French

Maybe she should ask to see if anyone has had a path similar to her path and what happened to them


Are her ideas with using magic and no inscriptions (the breathing magic+more) a path someone has already walked down, and if she is moving in the right direction.


She should ask about Mages and the connection with magically imbued to fused creatures. At this point she had the odd encounter with Trent and that one huffy chick when she asked if their were non human Mages, and again with Grediv about the longevity and nature of Archons and such. Shes big on her future and freedom. Might be important she considers what that is with Grediv dropping hints about long long long relationships.


Something’s related to her current inquiries regarding magic or things she already has shown financial/personal interests in, like: How Grediv was able to pierce her iron skin, how to replicate Grediv mage sight shielding. How magic in beasts works and how a human mage could go to replicate it (unstructured magic or how it was called. Basically what she tried with the air in her breath) How to increase the speed with wich magic inscriptions get ingrained into a human (I think there was something like this, after a long long time one wouldn’t need to redo their inscriptions because they become permanent or something) would be interesting for someone who wants to save money (is probably not available info else anybody would do it probably, but it’s maybe likely - and I am speculating here - that she is already doing something to speed up the process with her iron skin reflecting her magic) And lastly more info about arcane cities in the wild and if there are any Archeons around back from the time where her favorite stories originated.

Mr. Bigglesworth

She should ask about coffee and how to raise it in a sentient dimensional bag.


Is it possible to build those 'slates' in a way that work like a tablet so she dosnt have to fill up hundreds of notebooks. Im curious to see if holly tryes to use the blood star for inscribing, but if it dosnt work or she isnt willing, it would be an interesting topic to talk with a librarian. Id also like to hear more about the lore of the world, like other sentient species (arcane cities came to mind). Where did they come from, where are they going with their slow expansion away from the high mana area on the continent. (reminds me of the wandering forest of the enwor saga) So to sum it up, a bit of world lore would be nice. :)


Alloy inscriptions, and the metals


Some questions about Archon stars…. - If stars are touchpoints to the soul, are they also a weakness that can be exploited or must be defended. e.g. what happens if the gem that an archon star is created within is destroyed? - Can archon stars be reabsorbed? (may be important if they are a weakness, and useful if they can be used as a power capacitor)

Alex Scriber

Why does Archon star strength matter? If they’re just a touch point, the goal should be to make them as efficiently as possible, but Greenville said there’s status in making a strong first one. It could just be a status thing, but maybe they’re good for other things.

Alex Scriber

Has anyone tried to make a familiar out of a magic animal (thinking about Terry even though it’s a terrible idea).

Alex Scriber

The classic what should I ask but don’t know enough to rephrased for a librarian. “what book here should I read next”

Alex Scriber

How do I make wards like the ones on my books? Can they protect in other ways beyond just illegibility? Tala is quickly acquiring a lot of secrets and her habit of writing them down seems intriguingly dangerous.