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Hey everyone, here's some news about the next update:

Lately we started to notice how different our first versions of the game from the latest ones. We have been working on our game for 3 years, during this time we have gained lots of experience and of course the difference between the first and the last versions is getting more and more drastic.   It is important for us to maintain the overall quality of the game on the same level.

Therefore this month we decided to devote some time to fixing the current build of the game (it'll be mostly us fixing old renders but we'll also work on code and text, to improve the overall quality of the game). Although this month will be dedicated to fixing old pictures, we don't forget about the next update and so we'll also be working on story and text for future updates, so that we can start working on it as soon as possible.   

Here are examples of some renders that we've upgraded:



Huw Gryffin

Amazing! And, in my opinion, time well spent, not just for us, but especially for making the best first impression upon new patrons joining and playing "MBD" for the very first time from the start. On a personal note, I still fervently hope and wish that you do not forget to consider, at some point in the future, resuming development of your other supreme masterpiece "Dirty Pool". So many of us, I believe, have never forgotten and will never forget and still yearn for furtherance and completion of the potentially brilliant title that it too might hopefully one day become in your hands, especially as you state here, considering that your skills and capabilities have improved so immeasurably since those earlier times.