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Hey everyone, guys! It's new week which means it's time to brighten your mood with some good news!  

Let's start by saying that we've started working on a sex scene (and to make it really hot, we've decided to add a few different animations), moreover we're almost done working on animations themselves, now only to set up proper lightning. The next stage will be putting some finishing touches to the scene, like picking the most interesting poses, camera angles and tweaking the lightning where needed. Luckily, we have a full picture in our mind how the scene should look, which simplifies the job by a lot.  

As for the text, it's around 35% done but there's still a lot of work to be done in this area. However, there's definitely progress.  

Talking about visuals of our patreon, I can say that we've finished rendering a new picture for the top of our page but it still needs some post-editing. So we'll most likely update it this week or the next one (first of all I want to wrap up the sex scene), then we'll present you an upgraded version of our patreon's main pic.  

To sum it all up, I want to say that there's still a lot of work to be done but the most difficult part (animations) is already behind us! We'll try to keep working as fast as we can, so that you can enjoy playing MBD 1.9 very soon.


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