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Hello everyone, in this video I will be painting the Lion's Obsidian/NMM Sword. I wasn't quite happy with some of the footage here in the end (some out of focus/out of shot stuff that was cut) but hopefully the video is still useful for those of you about to start painting some shiny new Dark Angel swords!

Next Video: Orruk Ardboys - Testing the Two Thin Coats Paints Range!  

Followed by the next part of the Fundamental's Series this time on the Edge Highlight technique

Golden Demon Germany content.
With the announcement of at least a European leg of Golden Demon I am very much looking forward to another competition with some pretty solid ideas already in mind. But I am looking forward to showing my process, how I go about planning and most importantly painting a true competition entry aiming to capture as much footage as I can. Excited for this one!  

One further small announcement is that I will be temporarily stopping the exalted/feedback tier for a couple of months, I apologise for this however it's so that I can really focus more time on video production at the moment. Anyone who has current outstanding feedback for this tier I am happy to offer you a refund for the last month. I will be contacting you soon.

- Dave



Brendan Dougherty

Great video. Those secondary highlights scare me after doing such a great job blending the first highlights haha. Excited to see the GD progress. I am always interested in the initial ideas stages as much as the actual progress.


Nice! What size brush were you usin’ for the nodes?

Hellglazer Painting

Bloody brilliant! This really demystified this style of blade for me. Can't wait to try this 🔥🔥


Just picked up my Lion and Deathwing Assault this week, excited to try this out!


looks dope as fuck


Great tutorial Dave. Using the same technique, how would you recommend highlights placement on a power sword that has 3 sides rather than two (meaning the two inclined and a flat side in the middle) ?


THIS IS great for cold power swords. I hope you also consider warmer power sword colors such as the blade of belial.

Pop of Luke

Man I’ve tried this twice now and just can’t seem to get it. 😔

Kim Morten Nissen

I want to see the un cut version of this 🫣 Would be so nice to see every single brush stroke, from start to finish.