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Hello everyone, I hope you all had a nice break for the holidays. Here is the first part of a new video series on the fundamentals of miniature painting. I have been planning this series for a while and I wanted to make sure that it was as well researched and explained as I could. I hope that everyone finds it useful and of course any feedback is welcome.   

More videos on the way very soon!

- Dave



Hell yes! I was super stoked when we discussed this a while back, very amped to check it out. Thanks for continuing to make quality instruction Dave


Is there any chance that these Patron videos can be linked to a YouTube? Because I watch videos on my television and I can't watch these on my TV.


Awesome video dude. Definitely the best editing work you’ve done on a video so far! A tip for anyone practicing glazing. Say you’re wanting to glaze shading on an Ork’s skin, when you do, make sure to leave one arm, or leg, or at least some part of the miniature’s skin (like one arm or leg) bare with no glazing. Why? Because the first few glazes are so small that you might feel like there’s no visible difference if you glaze all of the skin, which can make you inpatient, which can cause you to mess up. By always having a basecoat to reference, you’ll immediately see the small differences as you build up the shading.


Nice format. Looking forward to the next in the series


This one might be uploaded to YouTube eventually. Unfortunately I'm in a difficult position because when I uploaded there people were sharing the links publicly or stealing the videos and uploading them to other sites. Most other miniature painting patreons now only upload here as well. I understand perhaps it isn't ideal but I hope that one day Patreon will make some kind of app that makes it easier as it's still a fairly new feature.

Andrew Steel (CMDante)

Brilliantly thorough, yet succinct coverage of the topic - looking forward to more of this series!


Amazing content as always! One question: I remember seeing a video a while back about glazing (I think it was an old video from the Warhammer youtube channel) where it was said that you should always start each glaze layer closer to the point where the colours meet than the last layer. Is that something you have in mind when glazing?


Yeah if you think of it as stacking overlapping layers of transparent colour you should progressively be covering less area as you work towards the area of more intensity.




That’s amazing ! This will be my glazing guide :)

Collin N Jones

Best guide to glazing I've seen. Awesome job tackling all the common problems people run into and not glossing over anything! Wondering if you could do an instructional video on gap filling a miniature with milliput or greenstuff after the separate parts have been painted and glued together? There are some models I've been working on that need to be painted in subassemblies but don't look finished after because of this.

Hellglazer Painting

Absolutely fantastic video with brilliant explainations! Love this.


Amazing video!

rhys vokes

a fantastic video, clear and concise,especially for those like myself that are getting back into painting after a long hiatus ( i started with 2nd Ed) the quality/editing has gone up a notch as always keep up the good work!

rhys vokes

ive realised i need more water in my wet pallete but just wondering what paper you use? as it doesnt look like the stuff you get in the red grass wet pallete

Brendan Dougherty

Great explanation and guide. I love that it got to the point and explained everything quickly and clearly. So glad to see this, I asked about it before so I can’t wait to give it a few watches. One request for future guides like this; perhaps a small practice exercise for us to follow along with? So we can compare with your results and try to work on improvements. Looking forward to the next one.


I use Reynolds Baking Parchment but many other brands of baking paper also work. In my opinion it outperforms the paper that comes with the palette as well as being much much cheaper.


It's very concentrated requires thinning with water. 1 tub is equivalent to hundreds of bottles of vallejo glaze medium or lahmiun. You can also get it in smaller tubes. Just make sure to get matt not gloss. Vallejo glaze medium is a good alternative if that's easier to get.


Liquitex also make a heavy body matt glaze medium as well as some others like Winsor and Newton.

Niels Smed

Thank you so much! Been thinking about writting to you about glazing - 'cause your glaze skills are just off the charts!

Régis Effinger

Amazing video as always ! They got better each time. Cheers


This is awesome, you actually helped me understand glazing a year or so ago by showing which direction to go with the simple demo on your glove, this video has answered so many questions I had, cheers Dave.

rhys vokes

I will keep my eye out for some ( im gonna try the brown i have at home) Im not sure how long it took you do this type of video against a normal one but, it is very well put together

John Fields

Great video, I learned a couple of things I am going to try out on my next mini.

Alexandre Benyahia

This is such an indepth yet consise explanation. Thanks a lot Dave !


Very comprehensive and well made video.


So excited to see this mate.


I’m having audio issues on the Patreon app. Any chance for a YpuTube upload?


Brilliant video Dave. Really explains it very well. The big game changer for me will be the DAMP paper towel.


This is the video I’ve been waiting for. Thank you so much for this!! Love the fundamentals idea - being good at painting is all about practice but this type of content helps give us the building blocks to start with, love it!


This is amazing! Thank you, I will reference this post often. I have trouble glazing lighter colors and appreciate that you addressed this!

Chris Richardson

Excellent video - and very timely as I am currently trying to glaze some squigs and doing it quite badly.


Pure gold Dave 👌✨


This was very helpful. Im still having some trouble getting my transitions smooth but they are certainly getting better. It seems that when i do the highlight lining/edging I get a tiny little ball at the tip of my brush. Can for the life of me figure it out but it seems to dry as soon as i get to the mini.


Great video. But i still have a question : is it possible to glaze using true metallic paint like vallejo silver ?


Yes, although it's a bit more difficult as the pigment/flakes are much larger with most metallics. Vallejo Model Air Silver has pretty fine pigment so it works much better with this from past experience.


Amazing video! Great examples and easy to understand!


Great video. I have a question if you dont mind. There are times when im glazing and it comes out chalky and there is no color shift. Is that from not having enough paint in the glaze ? I put 2 drops of medium, and add paint until i can get the glaze to be as dark as possible while still being transparent. Is this wrong ?


I would perhaps instead try the second method of layering up and then glazing down with a darker colour as I showed in the video. Are you trying to create the initial gradients on the miniature? It sounds like you have the correct consistency to begin with but you aren't building up enough layers to get rid of the chalky/inconsistent finish. You will need to apply more layers of the glaze and then glaze the midtone/basecoat back over the transitions to smooth them further. Some amount of back and forth with glazing is often required especially when there is a large difference of value or hue.


Yeah I usually glaze down from the mid tone as mentioned, to create the initial gradients. Ok that makes sense that my thinner glazes are coming out chalky with my weaker glazes, its because I'm not building enough layers. Im actually using your Blood Angel video as a basis for my Kill Team, and I wasnt understanding why I was getting the "chalk" effect. Thank you very much for the input.

rhys vokes

tried a common variety non stick white baking parchment, what a difference! now i can actually replicate a part of one of your video's ( how the paint looks on the pallet ;) ) love you work is inspiring, keep it up


I have an even more basic question to ask, why is the paint so runny on your palette? I use the RGG one, I am baffled how yours looks!


It's the palette paper I use. Instead of using the paper that comes with the redgrass palette I instead cut my own from baking paper. Specifically reynolds baking parchment, but most baking paper works the same. It's far cheaper and works much better imo.


This video was hands down the best vid I’ve seen that explains glazing to myself. I’m still super new to painting. Would be so keen if more videos for different painting techniques if time permitted every now and then. I just got so much out of this one and it made my last 2 models look miles better than my previous ones. I think also before I was almost applying a wash rather than a strategic glaze. Put way too much paint in my bristles and expected results too quickly.