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Hello everyone, here is my latest video on the Lion's cloak. Unfortunately it is much later than expected due to a bit of seasonal illness which thankfully has now passed. I hope the video has some useful insights that might be helpful when tackling difficult paints and finishes. Hopefully the twitch streams will be back this week as that has also been on hold.

We are running a small Christmas discord painting challenge - The Christmas Critter Challenge! Basically paint any small critter of your choice and enter it for a chance to win vouchers, exclusive t-shirts and brushes. Full details here:  https://discord.gg/q6QkrFpPzh



Andrew Steel (CMDante)

Lovely work as always! Looking forward to the small challenge! 💪

Valerio Proietti Checchi

Amazing work as usual. The quality you deliver is incredibly high. This may sound as a silly question but how do you avoid dust and other particles on your miniatures' surface? I often have to use a knife to remove very annoying parts of dust.


God damn that looks so beautiful 🥲 Submitting another request for a compilation of times you make mistakes and how you fix them on these paintjobs. I like to dream that you make mistakes also and knowing how to patch them up would be sick.


Thank you. Yeah I still have issues with dust despite trying to keep a dust free workspace. I just try to identify them before the paint dries if I can but otherwise I will try to remove very lightly with a knife or sanding sponge


Stunning work Dave! Looking forward to painting a small model for the challenge now.

Ian Matheson

Now that is one sexy bloody cape! Makes me want to rub my face on it. Been looking forward to this video, I've been holding off painting my Lion until you've released your videos as the first one was by far the best video on it I've seen so far, cheers mate!


That is a lush green. Don’t know what witchcraft you’re applying to place NMM highlights and shades on a freaking cloak trim either…


Hi Dave, nice video thanks. Why paper do you use on your wet palette? It's much lighter than the brownish paper I use


Hello, I use Reynolds Parchment paper cut to size https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01EYDHDCQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1


very interesting, I want to apply this cloth philosophy to the screaming pink robes of my thousand sons.


Hi Great video as ever. Could you link all the vids up to YouTube so I can cast to tv. I have to use the lasses iPad to airplay which is an inconvenience in 2023

Steven Keelan

Such a nice job. Will you be doing Vids for the other parts of the Lion, I'm stuck on the fur pelt