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In this video I will show how I painted the head and weapons for the Greater Thurian League Votann Hearthkyn Warrior.

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- Dave    


How to paint Votann like the box art - Greater Thurian League - Part 2

In this video I will show how I painted the head and weapons for the Greater Thurian Leage Votann Hearthkyn Warrior. Thank you for your Patreon support! Check me out on Twitch@ twitch.tv/infernalbrush Live every Wednesday and Friday! Recipes: Greater Thurian League Pale Armour Basecoat – Deepkin flesh / Rakarth flesh 5:1 Soft shade – Nurgling green / Fenrisian grey 1:1 Deep shade – Dark reaper / Loren forest 1:1 Glaze + Chunky – Deepkin flesh Highlight – Deepkin flesh / white 1:1 Corner dot – white Add chipping and scratches with Stormvermin fur Teal Armour Basecoat – Sons of Horus Soft shade – Sons of Horus / Incubi 1:1 Shade – Incubi Deep Shade – Incubi / black 1:1 Highlight – Sons of Horus / Nurgling 1:1 Highlight – Ionrach / previous mix 1:1 Highlight – Deepkin / previous mix 1:1 Corner dot – Deepkin Add chipping and weathering with Mournfang / Rhinox / Gorthor Green Fatigues Basecoat – Sons of Horus green Soft Shade (if needed) – Incubi / Sons of Horus 1:1 Shade – Incubi darkness Highlight – Sons of Horus green / Ionrach skin 1:1 Highlight – Ionrach skin Warm leather (pouches, belts) Basecoat – Mournfang brown Shade/glaze – Doombull / black 1:1 Highlight – Skrag brown Highlight – Tau light ochre Highlight – Karak stone Dark Leather (gloves, parts of boots) Basecoat – Rhinox / black 1:1 Shade – black Highlight – Dryad Bark Highlight – Stormvermin Fur Highlight – Stormvermin Fur / Deepkin Flesh 1:1 Dot Highlight – Deepkin Flesh Red Leather (collars) Base – Khorne red / black 1:1 Highlight – Khorne red Highlight – Khorne red / Squig orange 1:1 Highlight – Squig orange Dot highlight – Ungor flesh Black rubber (knee pads, elbow pads, toes of boots, etc.) Basecoat – black Chunky highlight – Incubi darkness Highlight – Incubi darkness / Deepkin flesh 1:1 Highlight – Deepkin flesh Helmet Lenses Base – Evil Sunz Scarlet Shade – Gal Vorbak red Highlight – Evil Sunz Scarlet / Wraithbone 1:1 Highlight – Wraithbone Reflection Highlight – white Mining lights (big ones on chest armour, use this for vehicle searchlights as well) Base – white Glaze shade – Yriel yellow Shade – Fire dragon bright Shade – Wild rider red Highlight – Yriel yellow / white 1:1 Highlight – white Working Metals Base – Vallejo Silver 71.063 / black 1:1 Shade – Nuln Oil Highlight – base mix Highlight – add Vallejo Silver 71.063 Gun Casing (and general equipment, vehicle parts, etc.) Base – black Chunky highlight (if needed) – Dark reaper / black 1:1 Highlight – Dark reaper Highlight – Dark reaper / Administratum grey 1:1 Highlight – Administratum grey Dot highlight – Greyseer Weapons handles Basecoat – Khorne red Highlight – Evil sunz scarlet Shade – Barak-nar burgundy Highlight – Evil sunz scarlet / Ungor flesh 1:1 Highlight – Ungor flesh Plasma Blades (not guns, just axes and swords) Base – white Glaze – Phalanx yellow / Fire dragon bright 1:1 Glaze – Fire dragon bright Glaze – Wazdakka red Edge highlight – Phalanx yellow / Fire dragon bright 1:1 Darkstar Matter Base – Barak-nar burgundy Shade – add black Highlight – add Greyseer Highlight – add white Copper (working metals, engine bits, etc.) Base – Screaming bell Shade – Doombull brown / black 1:1 Highlight – Screaming bell / Vallejo Silver 71.063 1:1 Highlight – Vallejo Silver 71.063 Gold armour detailing (decorative, runes and stuff) Base – Retributor armour / Balthazar gold 1:1 Shade – Gor-grunta fur Deep shade (if needed) – Doombull brown / black 1:1 Highlight – add Vallejo Silver 71.063 to base mix Highlight – Vallejo Silver 71.063 Brass (bits on backpacks, guns) Basecoat – Runelord brass Deep shade – Rhinox hide Shade – Cygor brown Highlight – Canoptek alloy Highlight – Vallejo Silver 71.063 Cog robot head Base – Canoptek alloy Shade – Gor-grunta fur Deep shade – Word Bearers red / black 1:1 Plasma energy (guns, not swords or axes) Basecoat: Gauss blaster green / Thousand sons blue 1:1 Highlight: Gauss blaster green / Thousand sons blue 1:2 Shade: Sotek green Highlight: Gauss blaster green Highlight: white Graviton energy Basecoat: Warpstone glow Highlight: Moot green Highlight: Moot green/Flash gitz yellow 1:1 Glaze: Kabalite and/or Lupercal Highlight: highlight mix + white Unit specific random stuff Medic backpack Basecoat: Word Bearers red Shade: Khorne / black 2:1 Deep shade: add more black Highlight: Squiq orange Highlight: Squig orange / Tau light ochre 1:1 Highlight: Tau light ochre Corner dot: Karak stone Medic backpack blanket Basecoat: Baneblade brown Shade: Steel legion drab Deep shade: Steel legion drab + Rhinox hide Highlight: Karak stone Highlight: Ushabti bone


Borys Rybak

Sooo delicious and smooth 😍 thank you Dave for this awesome tutorial, can't wait to paint some Votanns again 🔥 btw. this guy looks just like Papa, the sitting image!


Brilliant Dave!